✣ chapter twenty-five ✣

Start from the beginning

My husband and I are learning to appreciate each more every day. I suppose that you were right, Mam (as I write this, I am blanching). He is incredibly caring and understanding, and I hope he can say the same about me.

I must tell you, however, that before all of this, something terrible occurred. There was a man of the court, whose name I will not speak, and he lured me into a trap. He led me to believe I would be teaching his son how to play piano but indeed, it was only a rouse to get me alone. Then, he attempted to assault me. I was able to escape, and he was put on trial (please do not fret). Unfortunately, they only gave him exile but at the very least, I will never have to see his horrid face again. I understand how alarming this may sound but I am learning to cope. Flynd has been so sweet to me and tries his best to accommodate.

The main issue was that this man who tried to hurt me was part of an underground group. They are a collective of noblemen in the castle who despise Flynd and I's union. They believe I'm inferior because I'm Meretian. As the castle tries to figure out who they are (they are incredibly furtive), Flynd and I were sent away so I could be kept safe. I am in a hidden location where they will not be able to find me, but until the group is weeded from the court, I must remain here. It is not awful in the least, Flynd keeps me good company.

You're probably also wondering if I'm pregnant by now, especially with how much I've talked about Flynd. The answer is no, I don't believe so. I often wonder if I will be soon. I hope not. And it isn't because I despise Flynd and don't wish for him to be the father of my child, rather, it is because of all the turmoil going on. I don't want to have a baby amidst all this chaos.

I thought about a small child running in the gardens and Flynd picking them up to kiss their forehead. The thought made my heart swell with warmth.

Flynd and I are getting along so well.

I love you and miss you both.



Afterwards, I sealed the letter and hid it in a desk drawer for the morning.


Blanyr's POV

"Do you think we'll lose our jobs?" Ailis asked me as we stood at a counter in the kitchen. The noise of other ladies-in-waiting and maids bustling around made speaking difficult, but I was able to discern her soft tones.

I ducked as a stressed woman blazed past me with a pan in her loose grip. Where she was going with a kitchen utensil, I had no way of knowing, but she was certainly very serious about it.

"Watch out!" Someone called. Ailis turned just in time to move out the way as a woman carrying a pot dropped it. Its contents, steaming hot soup, spilled across the floor like a thick, brown rain puddle.

Ailis looked at me with wide eyes. "It's awfully busy today, eh?"

"A lot of people were fired. Now we have to pick up the slack," I said. The castle was undergoing a severe overhaul. From maidservants to knights to guards to simple pages, no one's job was safe. The king had probably fired more people in a week than he had in the past year. "And to answer your question, no, I think we'll be fine, Ailis."

"Do you think Sir Lorcan will be sent away?" I wondered aloud.

My friend grinned. "I hope so!"

I rolled my eyes but I didn't blame her.


With so many people fired from the castle, a lot of extra work had been placed on Ailis and I. So much so that we'd lost much of the time we spent together, and now were using it to do laundry. I found it somewhat humiliating, but orders were orders.

I carried a tub of freshly washed laundry down the corridors. From what I'd gathered, they belonged to a visiting nobleman who would be leaving soon. I hoped he would go sooner than later—it was one less chore I had to do.

As I strolled through the hallway, I heard soft tones in the air. Whispering. Whispering meant to preempt eavesdropping. It was coming from around the corner, so I slowed my steps.

"We'll be...rid of her...soon," Someone murmured. They were almost imperceptible, but my ears were attuned to straining this hard. Whenever Father would make plans for my marriage to the Count, I often would sidle by his office and listen as the two spoke about me like an object, and not a person.

"She's...sent away...the king..."



Anxiousness twisted in my stomach. They were talking about the Princess. No doubt. This was no longer playful eavesdropping done out of boredom; I had just stumbled upon something dangerous. Although I had no idea what to make of this development, I was certain the King would have a lot to say about it. The only problem was that I'd have to see the men's faces, otherwise the information was as good as worthless.

I slowly walked backward, hoping no one would hear me until I'd gotten a far distance. And then I swallowed the knot in my throat and began walking forward as loudly as I could. My steps echoed in the halls dramatically, and I could tell I was heard.

As I passed by the corner, I looked to my right and saw two noblemen standing there. They watched me, curiously but not suspiciously. They didn't know I'd been listening. Fortunately, I recognized them—Lord Chamberlain and Lord Quinlan. I knew the King would be interested to hear this.

"Good day, gentlemen!" I chirped with a bubbly smile. They fell at ease, believing that I was just another passing maid with no knowledge of their discussion.

"Good day," They answered blankly before returning to their hushed tones.


"Lord Quinlan you say? And Lord Chamberlain?" King Renyld asked me.

After working up the courage, I had managed to arrange an appointment with the King. He was incredibly busy, and I had to wait two hours before I was even allowed to schedule with his registrar, but when he was told what news I had to tell, he expedited me through the meeting process.

And now, I stood in front of the him: The King.

"Yes, Your Highness." I made sure not to meet his gaze.

He hummed in thought. "Repeat your name again."

"Blanyr," I said.

"Blanyr, what you've told me confirms some suspicions I already had. It is very useful information."

"Of course, Your Highness."

He chuckled. "Look at me, Blanyr."

I slowly looked up nervously. "Yes, Your Highness?"

He had a proud grin, as if he'd come up with a brilliant idea. "What would you say if I made you a spy for the crown?"

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