More like "Bottles"...

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Hello! Whoever you are, wherever you are, all your decisions have brought you to this moment. Reading these words. So, I wish you're having a wonderful day:)

The 2 short years since my short story - "one chapter long", as some of you called it😅- was published, I've received positive and negative comments and feedback. I cherish all my readers' words, and I'm grateful for the comments I still receive every month.

Readers have told me "Bottles" has made a "great impact" on them. And although I'm not sure my work is good enough to deserve such praise, every time when readers send positive words about "Bottles", I can't help but smile:)

I wrote "Bottles" quite a while ago. And since then I've grown and learned, the way I deliver language has shifted and changed, but one thing "Bottles" made me realize was that I should write more short, powerful entries like this.

"Bottles" is essentially a snapshot of a girl's fast-fading life. Snapshots, however insignificant they might seem, provides a large amount of detail and can deliver a huge amount of emotions.

As a result, I'd like to continue to write more like "Bottles" - more short, impactful stories like the one I wrote a few years ago.

Not sure what I'm going to call this series yet, it's pretty much untitled haha. 

I've already started working on it. If you liked "Bottles" and would like to keep tabs on more things like it, or if you have new ideas on what I should write these snapshots on, feel free to drop me a message - hope you're having an awesome day!

- Ash (Sept. 2019)

Bottles || ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang