Chapter 26

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"But, dude, I have control!" Scott whines this time, following sluggishly beside Stiles to lunch. "You have control in normal situations, Scott. Look, all I'm saying is you need to learn how to keep your heartbeat down during..." Stiles struggles for an example that isn't sex, since he knows Scott would freak out, "Lacrosse." The werewolf slumps his shoulders in defeat, because Stiles is right. Taking the silence as a victory, Stiles continues with a grin. "Derek said something about finding an anchor, right? Something that keeps your whole fangs, claws, and glowing eyes under-wrap."

"Yeah," Scott agrees with a shrug. "Great. I have an idea. Meet me for our free period."

Having overheard the other two's conversation just before lunch, Derek skips math to silently follow them to make sure things don't get out of hand.

"Aye, aye dude!" Stiles exclaims, "What the hell are you doing to that truck, bro?!" Derek frantically peeks around the corner, scowling at the back of Stiles' head for such a dumb idea. Three men stalk toward the young beta as Scott tries to reason with them, ultimately getting punched in the face...but that's just the start.

Derek cringes as Scott takes blows from every angle, getting kicked relentlessly in a fit of rage by the cars owner and his buddies. He turns his gaze to Stiles' staring down at his phone, free hand twitching with anxiety. For a moment, Derek thinks about intervening. After minutes of the abuse, he has managed to stay human. But before he can do anything, someone bumps shoulders with him, rushing to the commotion.

Coach begins shouting, which Derek takes as his cue to leave before he's caught by Stiles or Scott. Maybe there's hope for the werewolf after all.

"Stiles," Derek's whispers, eyes darting across the other team members to make sure Scott has already left for the field. "Derek," Stiles more states, baffled that the werewolf is approaching him for a change. "I saw you helping Scott earlier, did he find an anchor?" A little disappointed that this is about Scott, Stiles nods twice before continuing to get ready for practice. "What is it?"

"Who," Stiles corrects. Derek rolls his eyes in displeasure. "Allison, of course," he scolds, shaking his head, the little hope he had for Scott diminishing. "What's wrong with that?" Stiles accuses, "At least he found something to keep from shifting."

"Because we're seventeen, Stiles. Couples break up all the time, they fight, they have sex, do you see what I'm getting at?" Derek growls. Stiles let's the information soak in, only now realizing his best friends mistake by anchoring himself to her. "He'll lose it if any of those things happen," he mutters. "She makes him weak, not in control. He has to stay away from her."

"Good luck with that. Like you said, we're seventeen...and they have a date tonight," Stiles admits, though he knows Scott is going to kill him for this. He finally got a girl, and now he might be helping Derek tear them apart. Derek huffs angrily, "Where?"

"Uh, Lydia's party. He's picking her up."

"Can you talk him out of it?" Derek asks. "Not a chance," Stiles tells him seriously. With another annoyed sigh, Derek grabs his lacrosse stick. "Be there just in case I need your help." Then he disappears outside.

Stiles realizes he's not even halfway done getting ready, so he quickly throws on the rest of his gear and jogs out to the field. He looks over to Scott, guilt weighing down his insides as he sees Scott waving to Allison in the bleachers.

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