Chapter 1

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Stiles holds his arms out freely, the light breeze blowing between his extended fingers as he intakes a deep breath. "You smell that, Scottie? It's the smell of a new year, our year. It's going to be different, I can feel it." Scott just cocks an eyebrow, readjusting the strap hung over his shoulder, "You did take your Adderall this morning, right?"

"Awe, come on," Stiles exclaims, throwing an arm around his best friend. "You know what I smell? The same school year we had as freshmen and sophomore year, being nobodies." Scott smiles cheekily at the other male and pats his shoulder. Stiles only glares for putting a damper on his mood.

"First things first, surround yourself with positivity. I'm going to cut everything negative out, and Scott, you're first on my list," Stiles grins, throwing an arm around his friends shoulder again as they start to head inside. Scott rolls his eyes.

They both sigh at the front doors, stopping to remember all the dreadful things that have happened beyond them. Scott scans the crowd around them, most already complaining. "Hey, Stiles?"

"Yeah, buddy?"

"Is one of those things on your list getting a girlfriend?" He asks, watching practically every girl walk by and ignore the two. "I'm telling you, being bisexual gives you a whole new spectrum of people to date."

"I'm not into dudes. Plus, I don't see anyone standing on your doorstep," Scott replies, because if it's possible, Stiles is more single than he is. "Listen, I've got a plan for that, alright? It's simple, all I have to—" Someone bumps into Stiles shoulder, rather roughly, making him stumble forward.

"Watch where you're going," the person growls. Stiles turns around to confront them, he may not be good at fighting but he's a god at arguing—or being snarky and sarcastic.

Words don't even make it past his lips. Instead, his jaw hangs open as he stares dead at this person, studying every feature to see if his brain is having a break down or if this person is really here. He scoffs and walks around Scott and Stiles, pushing the doors open and disappearing behind them.

"Dude!" Stiles slaps the other males arm, "Do you know who that was!?" Scott rubs his arm and shrugs, "Does it matter? He kind of seemed like an ass."

"Scott," he deadpans, "That was Derek. Derek Hale, remember? He went to school with us until, like, the seventh grade when his house burnt down." Stiles remembers a lot more than he probably should be able to. He remembers meeting Derek on the playground where he was sitting by himself, and Stiles inviting him to play tag. He remembers their first sleepover the following year, where they ate animal crackers and watched Scooby-Doo. He remembers Derek coming to his house the first day of sixth grade, when Stiles didn't think he could do it. And worst of all, he remembers Derek shutting him out after his house burnt down, and Derek leaving town the following week. He remembers waiting for his dad to fall asleep and digging through the file, reading every detail and looking over every photo.

"Not really. I know that we met in the seventh grade. Did that guy really go to our school?"

"Not only did he go to our school...he was my best friend."

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