Chapter 2

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"Maybe you're wrong, Stiles. Don't you think if you guys were best friends he'd remember you too? I'd remember you if we'd been apart for five years," Scott says, following a determined Stiles down the hall. "We've changed a lot since then, Scott. Maybe he wasn't sure, okay? He has to remember me, he has to."

Scott sighs, maybe it's because his first impression of Derek is him being an ass, or maybe it's because Derek used to be Stiles best friend, and he doesn't want that taken away from him. Either way, Scott is not on board, but is going to support Stiles nonetheless. "Nows your chance."

Stiles turns to see Derek at his locker, a very unsatisfied expression leaving him to scowl at absolutely nothing. He's definitely changed, for the better if anything. His jaw line is sharp, which match his cheek bones nicely, not to mention the light facial hair he's sporting. And if it was possible, Derek became even more fit in his time away, his biceps complimented by his tight sleeves of his army green v-neck. Stiles feels his stomach do a flip and he becomes light headed, this is most certainly not how he felt when he used to look at the male.

"What the hell? I thought you were going to talk to him?" Scott exclaims, watching the stranger walk in the opposite direction. "I was, I just...froze up," he mumbles.

They head to their class silently, Stiles overthinking what he had just felt and Scott sulking because of the situation in general. "I'll get another shot," Stiles assures, making Scott look at him because he's pretty sure Stiles is talking more to himself. "Uh, Stiles," Scott says, stopping in the doorway of their classroom. "Yeah?" He asks, not seeing what his best friends is since he's blocking the view. "I think you've got your second shot." He steps off to the side, Stiles' brown eyes landing on a certain moody teenager, sitting in the back of class and staring out the window.

Stiles tries to ignore the butterflies in his stomach as he approaches his old friend. He dumps his empty binder and writing utensils onto the desk right next to Derek, staring at him until Scott nudges Stiles a little.


He almost flinches at his name, turning ever-so-slightly to eye Stiles up and down. "How do you know my name?" He demands quietly. Stiles' face flickers to disappointment and then hurt, how could he not remember? "We went to school together," Stiles explains softly, if he doesn't remember him, why should Stiles remind him. "Well you don't ring a bell," Derek practically snaps back, ignoring the sudden pain in the other teens eyes.


"Dude, you okay?" Scott whispers, leaning out of his seat. He hesitates but nods. "Yeah, can we just move, or something?" They both gather their things, only to be stopped by a familiar voice. "Mr. Stilinski, I know you tend to think of class as a game of musical chairs, but I assure you, it is not." Stiles slumps back into his desk with a heavy sigh, grumbling, "Yes, Mr. Harris."

The teacher seems satisfied with his work and switches his attention to Derek. "Everyone, we have a new student," he gestures to the male and everyone turns in their seats to stare at him, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Not really," Derek states and his eyes are immediately back to the window. Mr. Harris sends a small glare and takes it upon himself to introduce him. "Well, everyone, this is Derek. And from what I hear, he's not new to town, he used to be one of our own. So please, welcome him back."

Derek grunts quietly with a small shake of his head.

"Not to be rude, but your ex-best friend...kind of a dick," someone smirks from beside the two. Scott and Stiles both slowly look over at the other person with an unwelcoming expression.

"Sorry, I overheard your conversation about him. I'm Issac, by the way."

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