Chapter 18

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"Derek!" Stiles shouts, pounding on the other males door, refusing to leave until Derek at least opens up, even if it is just to tell Stiles to leave.

The metal door slides open abruptly, a blank expression on the werewolf's face. "Stiles, I really don't—"

"No," Stiles interrupts, "Just let me talk first, okay? I'm sorry, alright, for everything. I'm sorry for when I was a stupid kid, I'm sorry I didn't figure out you were a werewolf sooner, and I'm sorry I got you thrown in jail while you were dealing with Laura's death." Derek turns away at the mention of his sisters name, not wanting Stiles to see his eyes beginning to water. "And I know you probably want me to leave and never talk to me again, but I—" his lips press into a straight line and he shakes his head, "Let me do this one thing and then I'll do whatever you want. I'll never speak to you again if that's what you really want. I just—" he can never seem to finish his sentence, to say what he needs right now. Without explaining, he steps into Derek's loft and wraps his arms around him. Dereks entire body tenses for a moment, stiff under Stiles' touch until he gives in and complies to the hug.

They stand there for a long time in Derek's doorway, holding onto each other to remember Laura, to remember when they used to me inseparable. And despite Derek spending every second of his time back in Beacon Hills trying to avoid Stiles, he knows he needs this. He has no one left and he doesn't know how long he can pretend to not need anyone else.


Stiles is laying down on his mattress, arms propped above his head, and eyes closed. Scott comes rushing around the corner and into the room, his bag tumbling over his shoulder and onto the floor.

"I just saw your dad. They let Derek out? What happened? Are you okay?" Scott questions frantically, squinting in confusion when a small smile pulls the corner of Stiles' lips up. "What? What is it? Is everything okay now?"

"No," Stiles answers honestly, "I just think Derek has finally forgiven me. Or at least he's going to start. I'm not saying we're going to be best friends again, but at least I'm earning his trust back, ya know?" Then his face falls. Scott doesn't know that Derek is a werewolf, however that's possible, and telling him would be betraying Derek's trust...but Scott's his best friend.

"Uh, Stiles?" Scott questions, raising an eyebrow, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Stiles nods, "I was just—I was thinking about the full moon tomorrow night," he lies. His eyes soon bug in realization. "Oh my god, Scott! The full moon! I've been so preoccupied with this Derek thing that we haven't been working on your control!" Stiles exclaims, "And we have a game tomorrow night—you can't play."

"It's okay, I think I've got this whole control thing figured out. I mean, I haven't lost control at all this month," Scott smiles proudly. Stiles glares at his friend and sits up more. "This is the full moon we're talking about, Scott. Remember? The overwhelming urge to rip my heart out of my chest the last time. It's nothing like any other day of the month."

"But Stiles I really think I can do it this time!"

"Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?" Stiles presses, "And by sorry I mean wallowing in self-guilt for murdering your best friend." Scott rolls his eyes. "Allison and my mom are gonna be there, dude!"

"Allison?" Stiles questions to himself, this time Scott glares at him. "The new girl," he states, "We've literally gone on two dates. How can you not remember her?"

"Oh, right, Allison," Stiles chuckles nervously, he honestly has no recollection of Scott mentioning her. "You still have no idea who I'm talking about, do you?"

"No. But that's not the point, Scott! I can't let you play."

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