Chapter twenty-five - Gabriel's back in action

Start from the beginning

The archangel snapped their shirts off. He then spun them around shoving Sam unto the bed hard.

Dean was in the room next to them and heard everything. He tried to drone it out with music but shitty motel wall's are thin.

The hunter decided to go over to them after the noises stopped. So when they did he got out of his room and knocked on his brother's one. After Sam whose hair was a mess opened the door Dean started to talk. "You guys done?"

The younger brother blushed a bit. "Yeah." He paused for a second. "What do you want?"

"To stop those werewolves from killing the woman?" Dean looked at Sam and smiled to him self at how his little brother didn't get something as obvious as that.

From inside the room Gabriel chimed in. "How many are there?"

"Like ten? At least that's from the info I gathered. The pack is led by the sister of the woman's ex husband. She wants to avenge her brother even though he wouldn't want that."

After Gabe got dressed they went to the house. As they arrived the door was wide open. "Well,fuck", the archangel exclaimed a tad annoyed.

The three went inside and just as a werewolf wanted to attack Sam Gabe flicked his wrist and the werewolf flew against the wall. He couldn't move as the angel had him pinned up there.

"Thanks Gabe." Sam was surprised and still a bit perplexed he hadn't even heard the werewolf coming.

"You can thank me later." The archangel grinned and went up to the werewolf. "Where is the woman you guys want to kill? You know the asshole."

"I'm not going to betray my pack!" The werewolf hissed. "Kill me if you want to."

Gabriel chuckled. "Oh, I don't want to kill you. These guys behind me do." He gestured to Sam and Dean. "So, maybe we can keep this civil and I won't leave you here alone with these two."

"Do what you need to but I want talk!" The werewolf didn't budge.

"Should I just tap into his brain real quick and check where they are?" Gabe turned to the others who just nodded. "Ok." He did exactly what he said he would and found the pack's hiding place. "There in the basement. Of course, God how uncreative."

The werewolf was confused. "What how did you? Are you a Demon?!"

"Quite the opposite mah dude." He didn't look at the werewolf again before he disappeared with the Winchesters.

As they reached the basement door Gabriel shape shifted into the werewolf and opened the door signaling for Dean and Sam to stay back. After he went inside the woman who he hated for what she had done to her husband was sitting there bloodied tortured and broken.

He felt bad for her sure she was an awful human being but he knew what it was like to get tortured to get broken and he really wanted to be okay with what they are doing to her but he wasn't ans couldn't be.

The leader of their pack spoke after seeing him. "Benji?! What are you doing here you are supposed to guard the door!"

"Sorry but I got bored and thought I was unfair that I wasn't part of the action." He flicked his wrist again throwing the werewolves against the floor and disposing of his disguise. "Sam, Dean come on in."

The two came in weapons drawn ready to defend themselves but there was no need Gabriel was handling the situation. Sam went up to the woman trying to comfort her. While that was happening Dean went up to the leader ready to kill them all if necessary.

"Look you guys you really fucked up and we kinde need to guarantee that something like this disaster doesn't happen again. So I vote for killing you."

Gabriel just shrugged. "I think they were right for thinking that she deserves something bad to happen to her. But from my own experience revenge isn't going to help. So I suggest we let them go with me taken full responsibility if something like that happens again. I will personally go to them and kill them."

Sam just agreed with Gabriel on the condition that the lack leader agrees to bot attempt to do something like this again.

The pack leader sighed. "I promise to not do this again. Even though I wish for nothing more than for her to suffer I can't let my pack pay the prize for my stubbornness."

"Okay so since that is all cleared up I will teleport you guys home." Gabriel smiled happily and made them all disappear. He then went up to the woman. "Now to you."

He placed one of his hands on her head healing her. "Now to you. Just so we are clear I despise you. You a horrible human being and I want you to get what you deserve which is having everything taken away from you."

"Please! Don't I can change! Please!" The woman begged him over and over again until Sam chimed in.

"Leave her be if she continues to be her omd self you can take everything away from her. But gove her a shot I think she learned her lesson." He put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and gave him a soft smile.

"Ok." He flicked his wrist and secured the house again fixing the broken windows and everything. "But just so you know" he looked the woman straight in the eye. "I can be really mean." He threatened her.

The archangel then stepped back to Sam and Dean. "Looks like we can go home." He teleported them back to the bunker and without anyone else noticing he made the husband win the lottery to make up for all the things he went through.

But as they went back there people were panicking. Sam went up to Cas. "What happened?!"

"The angels."

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