Chapter 7

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Aria's POV 

I ran through a large green forest. I was being pursued by two kids behind me. They looked to be about 11 years old and they were really small. 

I used my telekinesis and flung them away from me, but without meaning to I cracked their skulls against the hard brown bark of a tree. 

"It was an accident! They were going to kill me!" I turned around panting and saw the solem faces of my loved ones starring at me in shock. 

"You're a monster." Delilah said.

"I thought you had good in you." My Mother scolded me. 

"The girl I knew wasn't capable of killing." My father shook his head dissapointed. 

The voices continued around me as I ran through the forrest and climbed the tallest tree I could find. 

"YOU LEFT ME!" My mother screamed. I clenched my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth. 

I don't deserve to be in this world.....

I took one step and-

My eyelids flung open and I woke up in a cold sweat. The room around me was swirling in millions of directions. I closed my eyes again and swallowed. 

It was just a dream.... 

But soon it would become my reality. I had to try to make it out alive, for the sake of my loved ones. 

Would they ever look at me the same? 

Was I really capable of killing innocent people, let alone children?

Thousands of unanswered questions made my head pound. I slowly lowered myself from the bed and looked over at the alarm clock next to me. The tiny orange electronic numbers read 2:00 am. I sighed and pushed myself to stand. I trudged over to the next cart and poured myself a glass of water. 

Footsteps from the other side of the room approched me in a loud manner. 

"Why are you up this late?" Logan asked me.

"I'd like to ask the same about you." I countered. 

He shrugged and lit his cigar. My nose retorted at the smell it took all of my self control not to fling the glass of water onto his head. "My Dad smoked." I said suddenly. He seemed surprised by my sudden openess towards him. 

"Well you turned out okay." 

"He died in the attack." 

His faced softened. "Sorry kiddo." 

"You remind me of him ya know." 

"Do I?" He seemed less interested by the second. 

"Yup." I smirked remembering my Dad. "Stubborn, determined." This made him smile. 

"You should go back to bed. You've got a big day tomorrow." He spit the cigar into the trash. I ruffled my hair and went back to my room. 

Sorry for the short chapter guys. Tbh its just a filler because you have waited long enough for an update. If you're into the Marvel Fandom like I am, please go check out my other stories which I am about to go update and work on now. Thanks guys! 


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