Chapter 6

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Delilah's POV

I walked home in silence with my family. My little sister stood next to me holding my hand. 

"What's for dinner?" She asked innocently. 

"Well, I don't know! Let me go get us something. Stay with Dad." I ran off into the woods and reached into the log with our weapons. I stopped when I saw Aria's bow. 

My best friend is going to die. 

Why did she sacrafice herself for me of all people? This stupid, messed up world was all it took to tear people apart. 

Stupid people, stupid world, stupid-

I didn't get to finish my thought because someone came rushing at me and knocked me to the ground. 

"What the heck?!" I yelled. A hand came to my mouth and I looked my attacker up and down. She looked to be about my age with black mid neck hair. Her emerald green eyes popped, definetly not human. But it was when I saw her dark raspberry streak that I got confused.

Why was another mutant attacking me?

I threw her off me with my powers but she flew back down to me.

You'd better get down! She said in my mind.

What? You have telepathy too?

No duh! I know you don't know me but you have to trust me. Follow me. We have to hide.


We ran silently through the woods not making a sound. She stopped suddenly in front of a dead tree. Apparently she had telekinesis too because she moved the tree over with her powers, and the ground was covers with leaves and twigs. She moved the leaves away and there was a slide sort of thing leading down but I couldn't see how far.

Go. I'll catch up. She said in my mind again. I reluctantly went down. It was so fast that I could barely see where I was going.

It finally slowed down, and I took in my surroundings.

I was in a silver room, and it was metal from what I could tell. There were tunnels leading around the room in various places, and a few chairs here and there. But everything was made out of a silver metal.

Suddenly, the metal started to twist up from the floor and wrap itself around my legs. I struggled to get out of it's grasp but it's hold was too stong. I heard clicks against the cool metal getting louder and louder.

Someone was coming.

I tried to get the metal loose with my telekinesis, but I wasn't strong enough to break the bonds.

"Don't even try, you can't get loose of my unbreakable chains."


I thought he was the good guy? Why was he chaining me up? And why did that girl bring me here?

My mind was swirling with unanswered questions. But they would have to wait.

He flicked his hand and a piece of the metal sharpened itself against my throat.

"Now I want you to tell me- how did you find this place?" I decided to keep my mouth shut. "You don't like to talk huh?" The metal pressed harder against my throat.

A figure emerged from the slide behind me, although I couldn't make out who.

"Erik knock it off I brought her." It was the girl.

"I am so sorry my dear." Magneto apologized and my chains went back into the floor.

"I'm Christina, and welcome to the resistance." The girl said.

"Why did you bring me here? And what's the resistance?" I spoke quickly. Magneto and Christina shared a glance. "What?"

"Aria was in the resistance." She said quietly. My mind started to spin. "She told me to bring you here if something ever happened to her."

"You knew her?" I hated talking about her like she was already dead.

Christina nodded. "Would you join the resistance? We could use someone of your talents." Magneto spoke up.

There was a long stretch of silence before I answered.

"Of course."

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