Chapter 4

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Aria ' s POV

My heart stopped. Time froze. That sickening feeling I felt when my dad died returned.

My best friend, my sister, was just chosen to fight to the death in The Mutant Games. Delilah had a family, people who loved her to go back to. Me? I only had a mom. And she was starting to go out more, and fend for herself. She would be fine without me.

In that moment, I made a decision.

"Stop!" I called out. The guards holding Delilah hostage stopped on their way to the stage and stared. "I- I volunteer." They dropped Delilah's arm and made their way to me, grabbing me and bringing me onto the stage.

Estelle looked me in the eyes and I saw pain. "Looks like we have a volenteer!" She said in a fake cheerful voice. "Sweetie what's your name and age?" 

"Aria Fitz, and I'm 15." I answered trying to stay calm. Delilah locked eyes with me and mouthed a thank you. 

"Well Aria Fitz, may the odds be ever in your favor!" WIthout notice everyone held up their hands in a heart shape and whistled a certain tune that meant goodbye to a loved one. I did it back, and Estelle whisked me off to the "goodbye room" as I called it. The first person to enter was my Mom. She ran up and engulfed me in a breathtaking hug. She wasn't trying to conceal her teary eyes as usual, which meant she was going to loose it on me. 

"Mom you'll be fine without me." I spoke softly. "Delilah will help you." 

"Listen to me." She began. "You have to try to win for me. You don't know why yet, but just survive until day 7 okay?" I nodded and the guards came to take her out of the room. "I love you, don't forget!" 

"I love you too!" I managed to fit in before they slammed the door. I sat in the window seat hugging my knees to my chest. I'm going to die alone.....  

"Aria?" Delilah's small voice filled my heart with hope. I hugged her tighter then I ever have. "That was stupid ya know." I let out a small laugh. 

"No I had to save you." 

"Can you promise me something?" Delilah asked. I nodded slowly. "You have to try to win the games. If not for me, then for yourself." The guards burst into the room but not before I noticed a brown neckace, but I couldn't see the pendent. When they left I pulled out my Iron Man necklace from underneath my shirt. The string was brown, exactly the same as  Delilah's. 

Simon Robert's POV 

I entered Aria's room with gloom written across my face. "Hi Aria." 

"Hey Mr. Roberts." Aria said in a sad voice. I caught a glimpse of a necklace, but she tucked it away to quickly. 

"I just wanted to thank you." 

"For what?" 

"Well for saving my daughter's life for starters." I began. "And also for always helping out my family." She gave me a small smile. 

"I'd do anything for Delilah." She said while wiping away a tear. 

"You can win you know." 

"Yeah thats what everyone keeps saying." I embraced her for a minute or two when the guards came to take me away. 

If only she knew. 

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