Chapter 2

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We walked back in silence. The people in the town scurried around doing their daily chores, and asking for money that we didn't have. Delilah went right and I went left.

"See you in the town square." I spoke in a low tone before she headed off to the Big House. As I made my way home, I stopped to give a little girl a piece of my bread. She thanked me and said, "And may the odds be ever in your favor." She said in a joking way and smiled.

Some people in the town were actually sweet like this little girl, and any left over food I ever had I would give to the homeless. It doesn't seem right to take more then you need in a world like ours.

"Mom I'm back." I yelled through the doorway. "Mom?" There was no answer. I searched the house, but she wasn't there. I finally found a note on the table in her hand writing.

Sweetie I went out to get some food with Delilah ' s father. I will be back before the reaping don't you worry.

Xoxo, Mom

Ps. I laid out some clothes for you on the bed. :)

It was a little strange of mom to do something like that. She never really left the house, so I was proud of her for doing so.

I got up from my place at the table and made my way to the shower. I let the warm water run through my hair and across my body for quite some time, and then got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I looked on top of my bed and found a plain purple t-shirt with black leggings, and combat boots. Jeez my mom knows me better then I thought. I never liked to dress up for these occasions. I mean cmon. Dressing up and clapping for a person being sent to their death? Not my style.

I heard the door open and shut just as I finished lacing up my combat boots.

"Aria, I'm home!" My mom called through the kitchen. I fake strutted out of my room and posed, with one hand leaning on the wall. She laughed, and then gave me the tightest hug ever. "You know I love you right? And I couldn't survive without you."

I raised my eyebrow and nodded. Something was oddly suspicious about her today. I grabbed my Iron Man necklace that my dad gave me when I was 9, and held it tight. It's all I have left of him. It reminds me that there are still heros in some other parts of the world.

*flash back starts*

"Aria?" My dad called me as I skipped into his office. My 9 - year old self ran up and hugged him tight. "I have a present for you."

"What is it Daddy?" I asked excitedly. He reached into the depths of his jacket and pulled out an Iron Man necklace, his favorite superhero ' s beacon of hope. It shined in the afternoon light and I loved it instantly.

"Aria, I want you to keep this necklace safe, and wear it in great times of danger. It will always protect you, even when I'm not with you."

"Yes Daddy." I spoke seriously and skipped out of the room.

*end of flashback*

"Mom I miss him so much." I said.

"I know but you have to stay strong." I know her words were true and besides, the reaping was about to start.

The Mutant Games (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ