Chapter 1

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I woke up to an ear piercing scream. My mother.

"Mom it's okay I'm not going to be picked for the games." I spoke trying to convince her, but I was honestly just trying to convince myself.

"My only only child...." The reaping ceremony was always a tough time for my mother, ever since she lost my father. Times were tough back then, but I managed to get us by with my "mutations". Yes, I know what your thinking. Mutations? Weird. It's really really rare to ever have more then one, especially 3 in my case. I have telekinesis, I can walk through anything I want, and I can make myself/other objects invisible. I only know one other person who has more then one mutation, and that's my best friend Delilah.

Delilah is... almost different. She is fun, quirkey, anything you would want in a best friend. Delilah is also oddly funny. She is just like that one ray of sunshine throughout that cloudy day. She has telepathy, telekinesis, and she can levitate.

Anyways, we meet up every morning in the woods across the fence. If we were in any other section then Section 10 we would be screwed. There is no high security around here. Most of the guards are just sympathetic towards us mutants, ever since the Sentinels took over and the world came crashing down. President Kelly is old and has gray hair now, but his eyes still have the same hatred for mutants as they always did after killing Professor X. No one around here believed it, but Delilah managed to get through to Magneto ' s head wear he saw it happen. The sight was horrid. Only Erik managed to escape alive though. He now leads the resistance from inside the fence, posing as a careless old man.

But we both know the truth.

The resistance was getting no where, and sooner then later we would all be locked up in cells suffering.

I retrieved my bow and arrows from the hollow log deep into the forest and started down the narrow pathway ahead of me.

Yes, I am a level 5 mutant, but I prefer to keep it old school and use a bow and arrow when hunting.

I spotted a dear out of the corner of my eye and crept up on it slowly, I aimed for the eye. I could always get more money in the Big House for minimum hits. (The Big House is a black market in the middle of the town square where mutants trade goodies for money and other resources)

Take a deep breath.

Back mussels tighten, and lock.

With my eyes on my target, I start to release the string and....

"BOO!" The arrow went haywire and ended up stopping in midair along with the deer. "You know you could always just do this." Delilah said as she flicked her hand, sending the arrow straight through the eye of the deer. I sent her a death stare and she returned the favor. I couldn't keep it in any longer. I laughed. "I haven't heard that in a while." She said and smiled. Only Delilah could make me laugh on a day like this.

"Well it is possibly the last day I will ever see you again." I finally replied holding back tears.

"We both know you could win it." She said.

"Yeah well so could you." I challenged.

"Uh heck to the no." She replied faster then I expected. "I mean.. we are only 15, going into the Games would be the end of the world going up against the 'big kids'" We have this inside joke about older kids then us, and I smiled slightly when she said it. But my smile faded when the loud bells rang through the air.

"I guess we should go now." I replied, letting my voice quiver. I looked into her turquoise eyes and saw how scared she was. She does have a family to look after, and the games would be a hard toll on her family. Our promise of helping each other's families out stood, but it would still be painful to watch your best friend's guts getting torn out by a pychopath.

"You can take the deer." I said. This time, she looked into my deep purple eyes, and I could see the utter shock on her face.

"How did you know?" She asked questionablely.

"Hey, I don't have to be a telepath to read your mind." I said smirking. She ran over, collected the deer into the game bag, and handed me my arrow back. After embracing her for a few seconds, I realized how much I was going to miss her if something were to happen to either of us. She was like my sister. I mean, maybe we were related somehow because we look exactly like twins. Accept for the eyes, everything was similar. Our deep black colored hair, our laughs, to the way we mimic the Inner Country's (place where all humans live) accent, everything was similar. All I knew, was that I was going to protect my sister, no matter what the cost.

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