Chapter 20

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“You what?” I breathe, heart stopping for a moment. He couldn't have found it so quickly. Not that I doubt his skills, but two weeks seems like such a short time.

“I found the man who blocked your memories.” He repeats, voice sounding a bit confused. “Is something wrong?”

“What? No! Nothing's wrong.” I assure him, taking a seat on my bed. “I'm just... surprised is all.”

“That's okay. Look I have to go now, my dad's pestering me to do some homework, but we'll talk more about it when I come visit this weekend, okay?”

“Yeah, I can't wait to see you.”

“I can't wait either, talk to you later beautiful.”

“Bye.” I hang up on him and let my phone slide out of my hand. It hits the floor with a slight bang, but I can't bring myself to care. Do I really want my memories back? Is it worth it to bring on all that pain for a guy I can't even be with?

'You know it is.' I jump at the sound of the familiar voice, quickly whipping around to see Kurai standing behind me with her arms crossed over her chest.

'What are you doing here?' I ask, taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

'I don't know, maybe since you unblocked me I can show up more often?' She offers with a slight shrug. 'Anyways, you should go get your memories back. Who knows, maybe Gaara's dad will drop dead of a heart attack before he has to marry that awful girl and you can be with him.'

'You know that's not likely to happen.' I smile. 'But thank you for the advice.'

'You're welcome.' She grins and takes a seat next to me on the bed. 'So what's up kid?'

'You already know the answer to that, you're part of me, remember?'

'I know, but it's polite to ask.' A faint whistling sound follows her words. It sounds like it's coming from just outside my door.

'Do you hear that?' I ask, cocking my head to the side. The noise gets closer and closer, hitting it's crescendo right outside my door. I nearly jump out of my skin as an orange haired boy phases through my door. Kurai and I look at each other, slightly alarmed and his whistling comes to a halt when he notices us staring. 'Who the hell are you?'

'You can see me?' He asks, a large grin settling on his handsome features. He looks to be about my age, with shoulder length fiery hair and crimson eyes rimmed in black. He's not wearing a shirt so I can see that he's well built, but what really catches my attention are the nine fox tails jutting out from his lower back and the two ears nestled in his messy hair.

'Not you.' Kurai groans then turns to me. 'It seems you have the ability to see all spirits now, not just me.'

'Long time no see Kurai,' the boy steps forward and takes her hand. 'You look lovely as always.' He lifts her hand to his lips and gives the back of it a light kiss.

'And once again I ask, who the hell are you?' I snap, a bit irritated that I'm being ignored.

'My name's Kurama,' He introduces sweeping his arm in front of him then dipping into a low bow. 'I'm the nine tailed fox spirit currently residing in your adoptive brother.'

'He's inside of Naruto?' I ask Kurai, eyes widening in surprise.

'Yes,' she sighs, pulling her hand back out of Kurama's grasp. 'He's sealed inside of Naruto the same way I'm sealed inside of you.'

'What's going on up here?' Another voice asks and a dirty blond boy pokes his head through my door. 'Is that you Kurai?' He steps fully into my room. He's of about the same height and build as Kurama, but instead of fox tails he has a single blond raccoon tail and ears sticking out of his long, spiky hair that's pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck. His eyes are strange. The whites of them are black, with golden irises, and diamond shaped pupils. He's also shirtless and his body is covered in intricate tattoos consisting mainly of purple swirls.

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