Chapter 6

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            “Sora,” I growl as I stare at the boy in front of me. Painful memories start to resurface, but I push them back.

“You two know each other?” Granny Tsunade asks looking between me and the boy.

            “Yes,” I say bitterly. “We used to go to school together.”

            “Good you can show him around then,” Granny says.

            “Sorry, but I can’t.”

            “Why not?” She asks.

            “Well I don’t really know my way around the school and I wouldn’t help him if he was on the ground dying in front of me.” I say. “Oh and chances are he won’t live long after Naruto and Itachi see him.”

            “And why won’t he live long after they see him?” Kakashi asks with his eyebrow raised.

            “They’ll kill him for what he did,” I say dismissively. “That is, if I don’t kill him first.”

            “What did he do to get on your bad side?” Kakashi asks.

            “I’ll explain later, after I strangle Sora,” I say and lunge at him, but Kakashi grabs my collar and stops me.

            Sora’s eyes widen and he takes a step back with his hands up defensively. “Look Tora,” he begins. “Let me explain myself.”

            “Fuck you,” I say and elbow Kakashi in the stomach so he lets me go. I walk out of the room making sure to slam my shoulder into Sora on the way out. How dare he show his face to me! He’s lucky Kakashi was there otherwise he would be dead right now.

            I feel tears threaten to fall from my eyes and I run to the stairs to go to the roof. Once I get up there I fall to the ground as the memory of that night takes over.

            “Hey babe,” Sora says wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into a kiss. The music’s blaring around us and I can taste the alcohol on his lips.

            “Hey,” I smile when we break apart.

            “How you liking the party?” He asks, his speech slightly slurred.

            “It’s fine,” I say. “You know I’m not really a party person.”

            “Well then I’ll just have to entertain you.” He smirks and kisses me again, but I push him back.

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now