Chapter 1

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       Here's Chapter 1. I do not own Naruto. All I own is Tora and the story idea. Please review if you can,  it would be a big help to know if my readers like the story or not.

~ C.S.   

            “Tora! Wake up, you don’t want to be late for your fist day of school!” I hear my adoptive mom, Kushina, yell. Damn, I had hoped this day wouldn’t come. I groan as I roll out of bed and sleepily make my way to the bathroom. Once I finish my morning routine I throw on a pair of dark jeans and a dark red long sleeve T-shirt. This is going to be the worst day ever.

            First, let me introduce myself. My name is Tora Namikaze. I was born into the Uchiha family, but my parents gave me up at birth. Minato and Kushina Namikaze adopted me when I was six years old. I don’t really mind though, I like the Namikaze’s modest lifestyle. Minato is the owner of the best dojo in town and Kushina owns a café. The Uchiha’s, my biological family, are rich, like “I own my own privet airport” rich. I’ve seen them on T.V. and the look like typical stuck up rich folks. Well, except for Itachi.

            Itachi Uchiha is my older brother and he never felt right about our parents giving me up and keeping my twin brother, Sasuke. Two years ago, when I was 14, Itachi tracked me down and told me how much he wished that I were never put up for adoption. We kept in touch and now we hang out all the time, in secret though so that his parents don’t find out that he decided to find me.

            Anyways, it’s my first day at Konoha Academy and I don’t want to go. Konoha Academy is a school for the rich and the only reason I’m able to go is because of a scholarship that my adoptive brother, Naruto, and I received. Half for academics and half for sports. The catch, we have to maintain a B average and lead the girls and guys basketball teams to the championships. No pressure there. Sadly it’s the middle of the school year. It’s not like I could just hide in the back and go unnoticed until graduation. Now, they’re going to stand me in front of the class and force me to introduce myself. Then they’re all going to judge me for being a “commoner”.

            When I get downstairs Kushina already has breakfast made and Minato is sitting at the table reading the news. “Good morning!” I say brightly as I sit down at the table.

            “Good morning, sweetheart.” Kushina places my breakfast in front of me and kisses the top of my head. This is why I love the Namikaze’s; they treat me like I’m their own child. “Did you see Naruto before you came down?”

            “No, but I think I heard his shower running.” I answer. I quickly eat my breakfast and put my dish in the sink. As I grab my black leather jacket Naruto comes stumbling down the stairs in his Konoha Academy uniform. I have to admit he looks good in black slacks and a white button up dress shirt. And the blue tie really brings out his eyes.

            “Where’s your uniform Tora?” He asks.

            “Are you kidding me?” I snort. “There’s no way I’m wearing that whorefit.” The thing was terrible. The skirt barely covered my butt and the shirt had a few buttons on top that were “missing”, taken off by the male teachers most likely, so my cleavage showed. Luckily the principal is an old friend of Minato and Kushina, so she told me I could wear my own clothes. She said if anyone complained she’d tell them that we could only afford one uniform and I, being the awesome sister I am, let my brother have it.

            Naruto laughs and begins to scarf down his breakfast. “Do you two need to borrow the car?” Kushina asks.

            “No, I’ve got a ride coming,” Naruto says, “The guys are gonna drop me off on their way to school.” By “the guys” Naruto means his old friends from the public school.

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