Special Chapter

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Hi, so is a very late (like four months) birthday gift for Aoi_Kitsune12, who is the person that Suzume is based off of. It's just a little one shot for Suzume that kinda ties in with the main story, but doesn't really affect it. HAPPY VERY BELATED BIRTHDAY!


 “Well this day's going to suck.” Tora muttered walking into the school, Suzume by her side.

“Tell me about it,” Suzume groaned. “Valentines day is the worst. All it's good for is setting off people's pollen allergies.”

“I know and it's not like I'll have a bloody Valentine.” Tora moaned. “The only person that I want to fill that spot is an asshole that's engaged!”

“Awe, poor little Tora,” Suzume teased linking arms with the brunette. “I'll be your Valentine.”

“Really?” She asked with wide eyes. “Where's my chocolate?”

“I don't have any.”

“Dude, you're the worst Valentine ever.”

“You didn't get me anything!” Suzume protested, brushing her light brown hair out of her eyes.

“Here,” Tora said pulling a stuffed animal out of her bag.

“How did-”

“I bought it for Gaara, but then I realized it was a stupid idea and hid it in my bag.” She sighed, her eyes tearing up slightly. “Since you're my Valentine, you can have it.”

“Nice to know I'm your second choice,” Suzume sniffed in mock hurt, but took the stuffed tiger anyways. “We should probably go put this in my locker before Kakashi's class.”

“My eyes itch,” Tora whined rubbing at them. “And my nose is stuffed up. Stupid flowers. Would it be a bad thing if I just took them all out of everyone's hands and burned them with fire jutsu? Or maybe I can just use my lightning to electrocute all the idiots who thought to buy flowers today.”

“Remind me not to let you out of my sight today, I don't need you getting expelled.” Suzume sighed.

“Tsunade wouldn't expel me,” Tora argued. “She loves me too much.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Suzume laughed, but it stopped abruptly once she saw what was taped to her locker.

“Oh my Kami,” Tora giggled, staring at the pristine white envelope and blood red rose, a stark contrast to the light blue metal of the locker. “Suzume's got an admirer! Sasuke's going to kill someone when he finds out!”

“They probably got the wrong locker.” Said girl muttered pulling the note off, but leaving the rose. Opening the letter, her blue eyes scanned the contents quickly. “Oh my.” Her eyes widened and heat began to rise in her face.

“What does it say?” Tora asked, snatching the letter from her. “'Dear Suzume, I've liked you ever since the first time I saw you.' Signed 'your secret admirer'. Awe this is so cute and so cliché that it sickens me!”

“Give me that,” Suzume snapped, grabbing the paper from her hands and ripping the rose off her locker. Then threw them inside of her locker along with the stuffed tiger. “It's probably just a joke. Besides, I've got Sasuke.”

“I don't know,” Tora said skeptically. “I mean there's got to be some romantic guys left in the world, right? You're just lucky that you caught the eye of one of them.”

“You saw that note, it was too cliché to be real. It's the kind of thing someone would write for a sick joke,” Suzume growled, slamming the locker door shut. The distinct clang of metal on metal drew the attention of a few people in the halls. “Let's get to class.”

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن