Chapter 8

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“Come in,” I sigh and step back. Sasuke walks in silently, stopping to take off his shoes and leather jacket. I lead him into the kitchen and he takes a seat at the table. “Hungry?”

            “Sure.” He says.

            “How you feeling?” I ask putting together a plate of French toast for him.

            “Fine,” he answers. “But you hit hard.”

            “Yeah,” I say with a faint smile. “You can thank Kakashi for that.”

            I set the plate on the table in front of him and he nods his thanks. We lapse into an awkward silence and eat our food. I wonder how he’s going to react when I tell him I’m his sister.

            “How do you have the Sharingan?” He asks abruptly.

            “I told you,” I sigh. “I’m an Uchiha.”

            “Are you a distant cousin or something?”

            “No,” I say quietly.

            “Then how exactly are you related to me?”

            “I-I’m your twin sister,” I whisper.

            “That’s impossible!” He slams his hands on the table and stands up.

            “Think about it,” I say. “I was given up a birth by a rich family and I have the Sharingan. Not to mention Itachi had a blood test done and it came back positive.”

            “But… why would Mom and Dad give you up and keep me?” He asks and begins to pace back and forth across the room.

            “Because they only wanted a son,” I say sadly. “And when I was born a few minutes before and as a girl, they were disappointed. They didn’t want part of their company run by a girl; they thought a girl wouldn’t be good enough.”

            “So Itachi knows?”

            “He’s the one who figured it out. He found my birth certificate when he was younger and when he asked your parents about it they told him to forget he ever saw it.” I answer. “When he got older he finally realized that it meant that I either died young or was given up. He used money to bribe the hospital workers to let him search through their archives. Once he found out that I was sent to foster care he tracked down my social worker and got the address of the Namikaze’s then showed up on our doorstep two years ago. Minato and Kushina knew I was an Uchiha when I got my Sharingan, but they never thought that I could be the child their ex-friends gave up.”

            “That’s why you and Itachi are so close,” he mutters.

            “Yeah,” I whisper as my eyes begin to water. I hate telling that story, it always makes me cry. I try to blink back the tears, but it only makes it worse as a single tear slides down my face.

            Sasuke notices this and kneels down in front of me. I look away from him, the only thing I hate more than crying is crying in front of people. He forces my chin up with his hand and our identical onyx eyes lock. “Don’t cry,” he whispers and gently wipes the tear from my cheek. He wraps his arms around me as a sob escapes my throat. His hand rubs soothing circles on my back and I bury my face in his shoulder. “I’m sorry I was such a jerk to you.”

            “I-it’s o-okay,” I choke out.

            “No it’s not,” he whispers into my hair. “I’m going to make it up to you. Besides I have sixteen years of not being your brother to make up for.”

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