Chapter 22

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"Hurry up in there Naruto!" I shout banging on the bathroom door. "I'm going to be late if you don't move it!"

"You aren't the only one with a date tonight!" Comes his muffled reply.

"Yeah, but you're going on a date with your girlfriend!" I counter. "This is my first date with Kane!"

"Don't care!"

I let out a huff of annoyance and go down to the kitchen. "Mom, Naruto's hogging the bathroom."

"I've got it." Kushina flashes me smile and disappears upstairs.

"You're so mean to your brother." Minato sighs, but I can see a slight smirk on his face. "You're so much like Kushina."

I merely grin at him as muffled shouting sounds from upstairs. "That's my cue." I turn and go back up, slipping into the now empty bathroom and ignoring the shouting from Naruto's bedroom. I take a quick shower and dry my hair before crossing into my room. I change into a pair of shorts and a tank then pull up the video chat on my laptop. As soon as I'm online three windows pop up displaying Suzume, Temari, and Konan.

"Hey guys!" I smile and they all wave.

"So first date with Kane tonight," Temari smirks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Shut up." I laugh. "If I remember correctly you're going out with Hidan tonight too."

"Hidan and Temari are going on a date~" Suzume sings.

"It's not a date!" The blonde snaps, blushing a deep shade of red. "We're just going to a concert."

"It's totally a date." Konan giggles.

"Whatever," Temari mumbles. "So what are you wearing Tora?"

"Well, he's taking me to one of those fancy and expensive restaurants so my usual wont cut it." I sigh and wander over to my closet. "I mean I don't have much in the way of nice clothing and he's going to be here in a half hour."

"Do you still have that dress you bought when we went to the mall last month?" Konan asks. "You know, the green one?"

"Ino borrowed it for a date with Itachi and I haven't had the chance to get it back yet."

"Well that's not good." The blunette mutters. "Got anything else?"

"I dunno." I shrug. "Let me go check with my mom." I wander out into the hall and down to Kushina and Minato's bedroom. I knock on the door and Kushina opens it.

"Let me guess, nothing to wear." She chuckles and I nod slightly. "I figured as much, so I pulled out a few things for you."

"Thanks mom," I follow her into the room and look at the dresses laid out on the queen sized bed. I'm immediately drawn to a black and blue dress. It's floor length, with a majority of it made up of a shimmery black fabric. The skirt is two layers and the top black layer is slit up the left leg revealing a bright blue fabric similar to the color of Naruto and Minato's eyes.

"That's one of my favorites." Kushina grins, following my line of sight. "I wore that on my first date with Minato when I was your age."

"Really?" I ask, examining the dress. "But it looks brand new."

"I only wore it that one time." She admits, looking slightly embarrassed. "Actually we blew all out money on our first date, so for the next two years we could only go to cheap restaurants and movies."

"That sounds just like the two of you." I giggle and pick up the dress. "Thank mom, it's perfect."

"Go put it on, I want to see it!" She squeals and ushers me into the adjoining bathroom. I change quickly and run my fingers through my hair to hopefully make it somewhat presentable. I step out and instantly get crushed my Kushina. "You look so beautiful!"

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن