Similes + Metaphors

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Simile and metaphor use is vital to aid descriptive writing.

Metaphors directly state something 'is' something else. When, if taken literally, the description wouldn't make sense.

E.g. 'Words of dynamite', 'living dead', 'Emotionally, she is a brick wall'

Because words can't be dynamite, the living can't be dead and emotions can't literally be a brick wall.

On the other hand,

Similes describe by comparison of features. Meaning something is 'like' or 'as blank as' something else. Rather than a direct, complete comparison like a metaphor, a simile compares to specific features.

E.g. Comparing the thing you're describing to something similar/with transferable features like size, shape, colour, texture, smell Etc.

E.g. 'Words like dynamite', 'Living with the stench of the dead', 'Emotionally she's as hard as a brick wall'

Do you use more similes or metaphors more?

I think for me its similes

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