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'I was so worried when North was... but that brought me closer to another person that I could call family.'

"York got one of the AI's and got so much better at lockpicking! I wonder how good I could get on the battlefield with one." Agent South Dakota said while Maine walked out from the "line" in the mess hall.

"True but he does sleep half of much," North said, "ohh, hey Mane. Hold up, hold up. How do you keep on eating those eggs."

Maine then proceed to look down at his eggs, noticing how they were grey. But he simply shrugged, sat down, then pulled out his scroll.

"Better than an MRE," Maine "said" through his scroll, making everyone at the flinch.

"I'm just surprised how something so small can be so useful." Washington said.

"They may be useful Wash, but the fact that York has one hooked up to his brain does worry me." Agent Carolina said, sitting down at the table.

"Wash for the last time we all know you don't know how useful your little thing is," South retorted with a shit eating smirk. Causing Carolina to bolt up and mumble something about shit and today.

"Man, this is why you're single, or at least can't keep one beyond third base." North said, piggybacking off of South's insult. This made everyone at the table laugh except for Maine, who proceed to spiew out grey eggs and start his weird mute laugh.

"Agent North Dakota please report to med bay, I repeat, Agent North Dakota please report to med bay." The small group heard over the loudspeaker in the mess hall.

"Ohh, right. My implantations are today!" North said, making South wear a sour face. He got up and was about to walk away when Mane got up and put an arm on North's shoulder.

"You want to come and make sure I am ok?" North asked. To which the mute nodded.

"That's fine by me, but the director might have a bone to pick with you viewing the proceger," North replied, Maine simply lowered his hand off of North's shoulder. He put his breakfast in a garbage can and walked over to North. The purple man nodded, the mute nodded back and they walked off to the med bay. They made their way through the ship silently, they did the same when they entered the med bay.

"Agent North Dakota?" A doctor asked.

"That's me sir," North replied.

"Right this way," the doctor said, motioning for him to follow him through a pair of double doors that were labeled "surgery." Mane was walking with them when he felt a hand block his entrance into the room.

"I'm sorry son," a african american woman said, "I'm not even allowed in there."

Maine still looked on to see North giving him a sad smile before the double doors slammed in his face.

"He'll be alright," the nurse comforted, "how about you go occupy yourself training."

Maine simply nodded and went over to the armory, when he got there he punched in his spartan number into a terminal. Which caused the equipment to spring to life, allowing maine to holster himself in the contraption. The contraption then put his armor on him, piece by piece.

"Armor applied, ready for use." Maine heard and stepped off of the contraption. He then proceeded to pick up his weapons, when he noticed something. There were other weapons in the armory available for anyone to pick up and train with. He looked over the weapons then set his eyes on a set of two silenced suppressed smgs.

"This'll do," Mane thought. He picked up ammo for it and put it into his armor, then he put the smgs on his thighs. He walked out to the training area and started a simulation.

"Training simulation, agent Mane. dificulty 6." fillis said as the robots filed out and started their assult, but Mane simply mowed them down with a wave of one of the smgs. He reloaded and opened up with the other smg. This continued with him backpedaling till he was against a wall, he then decided to go melee. Using the handles on the front of the smgs to tear apart the throat of one of the robots, this continued as Mane decapitated, and crippled dozenes of the robots till he realized something. He had one mag left.

"CLANG," was heard as Mane simply threw his right smg at a robot, he peppered the other robots with the smg left in his left as his right leaned behind him and drew his sword. As one approached his right he activated his sword and the robot walked straight into the activating sword. Maine then jumped into the frey of robots, almost turning into a lawn mower. Cutting down anything artificial in his way.

"Training complete, well done agent Mane." Maine heard over the loudspeaker. He then looked over to his weapons and put them away.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Mane turned towards the clapping to see a fire headed woman with aqua armor.

"So you didn't leave for nothing did you?" The woman asked, making Mane audibly growl, not his usual growl. But one of sheer spite, hatred, and slight jealousy.

"Where were you when Reach fell?" Maine asked through his scroll which he typed furiously on, almost spitting the woman.

"Here," Carolina responded, causing Mane to slump his shoulders down and look at the floor. "All that we knew was that you left, and that you were being sent to protect Reach."

Mane looked at her and sighed, he reached into the collar of his armor and pulled out two chains. One had one dog tag the other had three.

"Ohh," Carolina said, almost crying and putting her fingers in front of her mouth.

"I had a small sense of brotherhood with Noble team, now I am left here alone. Two others MAY be alive, and I am sitting here wondering. Do all semblances of a family evade me?" Maine said, venting as he furiously typed out the last part of his semblance in his scroll.

"I'm sooo sorry," Carolina said quietly.

"Don't be," Maine responded.

"What?" Carolina asked wondering what happened in this insane man's head. What he was wearing a skull helmet?

"You didn't know, besides, I enjoyed having that family while I still did. NOW! Go choose a weapon, I need to test out how well two assault rifles work out." Maine typed out. As he walked out to the armory as the other freelancer did the same, 2 assault rifles in his hands and a single LMG in hers.

"Match between Carolina and agent Mane, ready to start. Good luck warriors." FILLIS said. As the two ran at each other, each about to strike a blow on the other till the screen faded to black.

The screen cut on again to show both opponents kneeling at opposite sides of the arena. Carolina with her LMG in front of her and Maine with his rifles next to him both breathing hard.

"I was informed an hour ago that I was scheduled for implantation," Carolina started making Mane pick himself up, and walk towards her.

"I think that you need that AI more than I do," Carolina declared as Mane offered to help her up. Which she took his arm and pulled, bringing herself to her feet.

"That would make me very happy, thank you." Mane replied as Carolina picked up her gun up and walked out. Causing mane to turn and the camera fades to black. 

the Militare (Vol.1: From warm passion to cold machine)Where stories live. Discover now