dead men walking

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'The trail I laid down that day led me to those who I would now call brothers.'

"come on, lets go!" Jim yelled at his team as Mane led the way through the halls. They were oddly baren of any aliens.

"We are coming up on a large coliseum." One of the marines said, out of breath from trying to keep up with a spartan. The eight person group went through the doors to the large Colosseum.

"You all try to find a way around this coliseum, I need to go do something." Mane said through his scroll.

"Why?" Ember asked as Mane looked back at her. They all followed mane's head as he looked up at an alien about to brand another.

"Not even an alien deserves to be branded as a slave, a symbol of shame." Mane said, as he walked up the lane in the middle of the Colosseum. The ape like alien stopped moving the brand towards the elite's chest.

"HOW DID THIS DEVIL SURVIVE THE HUNTING CHAMBERS?" The profit of regret yelled as Maine pulled out his blood red blade, answering the profit's question.

"You wish for a ship now, devil?" Truth asked, to which Maine nodded. Ember and the other seven marines stopped when they heard Maine say this.

"He can't be serious." Jim said over a private radio channel.

"You slaughter our armies," Truth said

"You disturb our political and religious affairs," Mercy said.

"And then you have the audacity to demand a ship of us," Regret finally finished. To which both Regret and Mercy nodded towards Truth.

"To all of the Covenant's noble warriors," Truth started while the three's chairs floated backwards slightly, "the first to kill this devil will be the first through the gateway to paradise, and those who die trying will be second only to the first."

At this many of the brutes ran at Maine wanting to get revenge for their brother's death, but the bounty on Maine's head just pushed the brute's over the edge. Mane was forced to jump off of the mighty tower that held the disgraced. The rest of the covenant prepared their weapons their vehicles of war, and men for an all out manhunt.

"Maine, what should we do?" Ember asked as the group hid from a search party of brutes and grunts.

"Get your way to the hangar, get a way off this rock and to earth." Maine ordered.

"Ok, we will meet you there." Jim replied.

"Negative," Maine responded.

"WHAT?" Ember screeched into the comm.

"If I come with you I will simply attract more of the covenant to you, if I stay the full might of the covenant will be on me. You can live." Maine responded.

"No! No! That's not how we work. We never leave anyone behind unless they have joined the dead!" Ember yelled as Jim silenced her.

"Ember, I have been judged by people who know nothing of what or who i am. My family forsake me a long time ago...

I'm already dead. But if you could live it would give my death purpose. Please go." Maine pleaded the pilot. To which she simply sobbed.

"Will do spartian, its been an honor." Jim said.

"Likewise." Maine replied as he slowly made his way to the disgraced elite that was being dragged over to the holding cells.

"How much longer must we heft this baggage?" one brute asked as Maine shadowed them from on top of the cells. "Any cell will do. Why not toss him in with this lot? *Gestures towards a cell full of jackals* They could use the meat."

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