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'My first mission was easily the one that broke me.'

A man is at a shooting range, getting a feel for the weapons, he was easily the best shot with a Battle Rifle on the Mother of Invention, Magnums coming in second, and a combat knife in third.

"Jaune how long have you been training?" North asked, worry bleeding from his voice.

"Since you went to bed after helping me in the library." Jaune replied.

"Jesus, I thought only person that could come close to doing that was Carolina." A grey armored man said.

"Nope Mane here has more hours a day than her," North said.

"Wait you are that guy that made me nearly piss my pants?" Washington asked. To which Jaune nodded.


A soldier in grey armor with yellow stripes is seen walking to a table with a tray of food in hand. 

"Finally some FUCKING good food," the soldier said, when a portal opened on the ceiling. 

"Dafuk?" the soldier asked to which a boy fell onto the ground, scaring the man. The man jumped back noticing that he would have to change his clothing instead of eating. 

"Now that truly is a space diaper," a purple armored chick said when they both noticed the blood spreading on the floor.

Flashback end 

"He can lift like hell too, he could barely lift 10 pounds 3 months ago, now he can lift 200. And he isn't as slow as a tank either." North complemented.

"Would agents Mane, North, and Washington come to the briefing room please?" FILLIS said over the intercom.

"How did you get buff that? never mind the director might kill us if we don't get moving." Washington said. As they Jogged to the briefingroom.

"Present, sir." Jaune, Wash And North said.

"Don't be late again, today we are going to have a first timer here. Agent Mane, you will be accompanying on this trip." The director informed.

"Sir, yes sir." Mane said.

"Ok then, our mission objective is to capture the sarcophagus and its key." An aqua woman informed.

"Excuse me but, who are you?" Jaune asked.

"Agent Carolina, nice to meet you. Now back to the mission." Carolina said with anger in her voice. 

"We have to find a package with this symbol on it." Carolina said in a emotionless voice as a symbol came up on the holographic table. 

"I guess they don't have the key taped to the side of the other?" Wash asked.

"No, it will be passing the building via car, there is a 10 minute window for us to retrieve the key after the package is secured. We will be split into 2 teams for this one." Carolina informed.

"Great." South said sarcastically.

"The first team will consist of me, Mane, and Wash." Carolina said, "Wash your on lock picking duty due to you, York, and Wyoming being idiots with Texas."

"Hey!" Wash yelled back.

"I can help with the locks, done a bit of reading on that." Jaune informed.

"Nice to know, now team 2 will consist of North, Wyoming, and South." Carolina informed as a pilot stepped forwards.

"We are moving fast people, only light munitions on this one." The pilot said.

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