Part 48 : safety precautions

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after enjoying for sometime all became silent thinking about their safety issues

Everybody give their on inputs for it

Arnav: lets have body guards assigned to all

Shyam  : Lets alert the police to keep an eye on our enemies

Anjali : ya thats right we can do that any other suggestions

Payal : How about monitoring our activity through devices even if we are in danger we can be found with the signal right

Aakash: you mean to say  tracking device , but whats the need for it

Arnav : Angel is right Aakash we can give any chances to them and we cant trust anybody with our safety , we can have tracking devices with us in any form which will be easy to track somebody when they are missing or in danger 

Shyam  : ya good one , any other idea

Aakash: we can go out in come in together with this they cant kidnap or kill anyone and even if something is wrong we can handle it since we are in group 

Anjali : ya we can do that , since you all go to same college leave together and come back together , me and Arnav will do the same

Payal saw Khushi who is in dreamland thinking something in her mind 

Payal called her on getting no reaction from her she shooked her to consciousness

Khushi irriated by this action asked what to Payal

Aakash : Khushi here we are discussing important things but you wander off to dream land not good yaar

Khushi : i dint wander to dreamland i just got a good idea and thinking about the outcome of it

Arnav : oh man she started again in whispered voice, please di ask her to keep to keep her ideas to herself 

Khushi on hearing it rolled her eye at Arnav and said you are jealous of me , you know last time my idea worked better than yours so u just want to neglect me now 

Arnav : oh  really please dont be in the delusional that your idea is best , your idea is all about third rated film which anyone can say okay , so dont boast your ego for it

Khushi started to say something but Shyam intervened and say Okay enough now princess say your thoughts

Khushi : Bhaiya why dont we have our people inside their group so that we can get every action of them

Arnav looked around all with i told you look and turned towards Khushi and in sarcastic tone said thanks for sharing your brilliant idea Khushi but considering the situation we cant do that now since we dont have any trusted people with us.

on hearing this Aakash said Bhai what she said is not bad but this can happen with us also since we dint have any trusted people with us we can believe anyone and we cant even trust our bodyguards our labors also anyone can take these role to know the inside information 

Anjali also seconded Aakash and said what he said is correct Chote . They can be anywhere we cant pinpoint them , now what we can do in deep thought

Shyam : okay all dont be discouraged by it , ya its true we cant believe anyone but we have each others for support we can believe us right 

All nodded their head so Shyam continued As we discussed Bodyguards , police , Tracking devices and car pooling , most importantly trust no one other than us, our phone can also be tracked so we should have an alternate no to communicate with each other,dont say about the new house we can have it as our safe house since no body know it  and release stock changes news, will bring us to spotlight , so we will always be under paparazzi  , which dont allow them to come news us as they would be easily spotted if they do any stunt before the whole media power 

Anjali whispered in Shyam ears oh ho police man in action and tried to control her laugh

Shyam rolled his eyes at Anjali and gave serious face to her

Arnav: ya everything sounds good we can inform these to Elders also and we have to make some arrangements for their safety also

Anjali : ya will do that now

Khushi : oh devimayya because of the devil i cant even have my privacy now , what to do in complaining tone.

Arnav : Oh please dont start your  dramas again  with that they started their fight and everybody wen to their respective rooms and homes

Khushi : do you think we can escape from them

Arnav : i believe we can do that 

Khushi : its all for me why should you all suffer with me, I can manage on my own (in mind i cant expose you all to danger to save my life)

Arnav : i dont think so , its for  you , its for us , we are same right with question tone

on hearing Arnavs word Khushis heart skipped a beat 

Khushi : whaat We are same how can it be ?

Arnav : we are same ,we are relatives your problem is not your own it ours right 

Khushi : in disappointed tone said ooh its like that ( in  mind oh god why did i thought he is implying some other thing am i really in love with him,,no no no it cant happen he is just my relative nothing else Khushi control your heart Khushi control it you cant dream , thats not good be cool and play it cool )

Arnav saw Khushi face which is pale and drained of all colour, he thought she is frightened by the threat hugged her to make her calm without knowing the impact of his hug on her

Arnav saw Khushi face which is pale and drained of all colour, he thought she is frightened by the threat hugged her to make her calm without knowing the impact of his hug on her

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Khushi stilled when she felt someone pulling her close to his body by knowing who it is her heart is now running in full speed and her body became hot she started to sweat.

Arnav thought  she is shaking due to  fear patted her back to calm her down Khushi on feeling his hand on her back sucked her breathe and forget to breathe again

when Arnav doesnt feel her breathing he looked at her who is in shock , he tried to shook her to consciousness but it doent happen , he tried to get some help but due to fear for her life he cant leave her alone , on seeing Khushi loosing her consciousness he did the unthinkable to her .

any guesses what he did to Khushi?????

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