Part 9 : total mess

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Life is mess this is what Anjali thinks when she cant concentrate  on her work

The certain someone who she saw yesterday occupied  her mind.  Dont think she is in love.  Its not about love.  Its curiosity  to know him since he became an integral part of her brothers life. 

And more over  Aakash is in love with the certain fellow sister.  Life is a total mess.

Ya your guess is right Anjali had some doubt in Aakash behaviour for several days and yesterday seeing him behave like lovesick puppy before Payal made her to come to this conclusion. How she know that he is in love with Payal . Its purely on womans instinct which only woman in this world can understand..Nothing will miss their hawk like eyes.

On thinking about it she is not against him. She is against the concept of love. Because she dont believe in love. Accorrding to her Its just attraction and lust nothing more..

Its because she saw many life destroyed because of this whole thing called love which made an important role in her life.

She is in serious discussion with herself. When Arnav entered her cabin and looking at her zooming out he swayed his hand before her and brought her out of the struggle.

Arnav: di where were u zoomed out

Anjali: nowhere  whats the matter Arnav.

Arnav:  di i need a favour from you. 

Anjali: favour what favour.

Arnav: oh di i want shyam sir to work with us . He is good . He has knowledge in this and he will be really helpful to us.

Anjali misunderstood that shyam want to take advantage of Arnav being rich. Decided to teach him a lesson by inviting him for the interview

Arnav: you know i dont take people based on recommentation i want to personally interview him . If i think he is good for the company i will hire him.  If not no hard feeling. You know how it works in the corporate world. No family no favour only profit and benefit. So ask him to attend interview.

Arnav: thank you di . I know you will say only this . I dont mind you interviewing him and more over he will impress you i have full faith in him.

Saying this arnav went outof her cabin.

Arnav shyam conversation

Arnav know shyam dont like favour so he didnt inform him about it just said to come and help him in some problem

Arnav: sir i need your help

Shyam:what happened Arnav any problem ? 

Arnav : yes sir a big problem only you can solve it please come to office tomorrow i am in need of you . And while coming please bring your cv with you sir. I want to show it to my close friend who also want to become a professor like  you. he dont know what he should add in his cv. Please do me this favour sir.

Shyam doesnt find his reason satisfying . But he didnt say anything and enquired about the time of his visit tomorrow.

Atlast schedule meeting is at noon for lunch since shyam didnt have any free time tomorrow as it is weekday . They said their byes and kept phone.

Life As It Unfold - Ipkknd Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें