Part 34 : The D day

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Finally its marriage day all are busy in their work

Since marriage is taking place in the house the place is fully crowded with relatives and friends

Media got to know the scope about their marriage and they are surrounding the house with big big cameras

Family members are fully protected from the outside chaos . Arnav and Aakash are dealing the whole media scenario
They started to publish some nusaince liké

Why this sudden marriage?
Any family secrets?
Who is the groom
May be a billionaire or a foreigner so only they are having small ceremony
Is he an hindu?
Will Anjali Singh Raizada resign from the work
Is this a stunt to increase their share values?
All kind of crap news are published in the paper and all news channels are eager to know why ?what ?who?

Some go over board ànd said is She pregnant so this sudden marriage with secrecy
And Anjali's interview about the marriage is broadcasting again and again

There in a house nearby these chaos a person is sitting on the rocking chair and watching thís news on the tv and fuming inside

Person 1: here i am trying to stop this marraige and there in the news they are publishing it again and again and irritating me!

Person 2: ji why are you getting irritated you should see the opportunity in this ,may be we can use this and stop their wedding

Now you guys have guessed who that  is yes there are
Janaki and Pradap

Pradap: what can we do now?

Janaki: why dont we create some controversy they are already saying so many things we just need to give some juicy touch to it

Pradap: what's your plan?

They two talk in the inaudible voices

Scene shift to Shyam house

Arnav and Aakash are there in nanis room discussing something

Khushi and Payal entered the room
Nani asked then to close the door and come near to them
All five discuss something seriously khushi and Arnav arguing about it later Khushi said okay to Arnav

Nani: so all are decided now , go do ur assigned work i àm going to do mine

All dispersed from the room

Now the scene shift to Pradap and Janaki house

Prajith entered the house without any sound to escape from their advices but his badluck he went straight into his daddy

Pradap: see Janaki now only your son find time to come here, herewe are discussing the future for him

Prajith: ma, ask him what i should do then discuss the waste plan with you

Janaki: Prajith mind your word just know to whom you are taking

Prajith: okay ma , what's your plan now?

Janaki: we are going to media

Prajith: for what?

Janaki: to say Shyam is Orphan

Prajith: what effect it will have and why the hell the marriage stop because of this?

Janaki: the news channel will make big issues

Prajith: ma please think if we go to news channel nothing will happen the family already accepted him and going to news channel means we are dogging our own grave, they will collect full history of him which will be against us they will get to know about the will

Janaki: do you have any better idea then?

Prajith : i already worked for it, i am going to abduct the bride and going to blame Shyam for her disappearance ,then after a month or so we can release her from our custody within that time the family will blame shyam and stop the marriage so the will can not be fulfilled

Janaki: but why keeping the bride for one mont its too risky and they will easyly find us. With worried face

Prajith: if we release here with in fee hours they may conduct the marriage tomorrow or day after that which is not good and they wont blame Shyam and dont get bad impression on him
. But if we release her after à month they will had bad impression on hthey wont marry her to him after one month also so the will will be nullified we can easily convice Payal when Shyam rot in jail

Janaki: why Shyàm will be in jail?

Prajith: for murder?

Janaki: what but why will he murder his own bride?

Prajith: not his own bride but his lover

Janaki: but with doubt in her mind

Prajith:he is already in love with another girl and they have a kid without marriage for money only he is marrying that Ànjali and planned to kill the lover so that she wont be problem in future.

Janaki: what but how we can do these

Prajith: dont worry we woñt murder anyone its just attempted murder case and already everything is set to ruin Shyam

Pradap: in excitement tone wow beta  i dont think that you are these much intelligent good well done now i believe you are ready to take over the empire

Prajith: daddy ji its just the starting there are more to come just wait and watch woth this he went inside his room

Lets us wait and see what will happen, will the marriage happen or not

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