Part 5 : talk thats it

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Scene Delhi University:

On her way back to class Khushi saw payal glacing over ground  moving her vision towards ground Khushi saw akash there playing basket ball.
By seeing this Khushi resolve get strong that she have to make patyal confess her love to Akash

By hearing the bell ring she move towards her class . And started thinking how to make two love birds confess their love.

Scene : Evening shyam and payals house:

Shyam is getting ready to meet Arnav. While coming out his room he saw Khushi there in Payals room in confused state.  He moved towards the room and ask whats the matter.  Khushi came back to present and said nothing bai just thinking about live.  Shyam is giving doubting  look to her.  So she suddenly  said the assignment  bai which i talked to u in the afternoon.  Afternoon  receiving  a nod from Shyam Khushi continued. 
Khushi: i have another doubt bai when two people r in love why they r coward and not confessing their love .

Shyam: Princess its not like they r being coward, its they fear about the rejection which  they may face if their feelings are voiced out. Everybody have fear in their life about losing their loved ones.  Its just normal princess.

Khushi : but bai if they didn't voice their feeling how would the other know they love each other.  Eventually  they r making the situation  in which they will lose their loved   one know.  What will make different  in it.  If they voiced their love or not

Shyam: u wont understand  it princess unless u r in love.  When u love someone u come and say how u feel about it.  Shyam lovingly said this and patted her head.

Khushi became embraced  about  direction the conversation is going so she decided to change the topic

 Khushi: all set to meet Payals hero.  

Shyam: ya khushi all set but i cant find Payal she has to. Come with  me to Arnavs house .

Khushi: Payal is making kheer bai.  She said her hero like that a lot so she is making it.

Shyam and Khushi moved towards the kitchen their they  saw Payal making kheer.  They two silently went behind Payal and said boom.

Payal who was in dreamland  with Akash came back with their sound. and look back them with angry glare because of them  her kheer is all spilt on the floor. 

Khushi suddenly  take her hand towards ears with cute face said sorry Payal melted by her cute action and laughed. 

Shyam whi was standing near them also started to laugh but by getting glare from payal he too tried to imitate  khushi which make bith the girls to laugh heartily. 

Shyam: come payal we have to go its getting late. Princess be good girl and dont trouble buaji while coming back we will buy dinner for u. 

On hearing dinner khushi became happy  and nodded  her head while jumping  on shyam

Shyam laughed and kissed her forehead  . Be happy like this always Princess 

And started to go out with  Payal.

To know what happened  in Arnavs house stay tuned

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