Part 10 : new revelation

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Please dont judge a book by its cover. We all know this quotes but do we ever follow it. Do we really understand the meaning of this quotes . Lets see what happen here and how it is related to this quote.

Scene AR Office:

lunch time

Anjali's cabin

Arnav enters Anjali's cabin to remind her about the interview which is scheduled during lunch.

Anjali: Arnav this is the 7th time you are remaining me this from the morning. I understand that he is important to you but this is the limit if u again say a word about it I am gonna cancel the interview.

Arnav said with the smile Di please dont cancel it i am not going to remind you again because its already lunch time and according to the schedule he will be here within 5 mins.

Anjali: 5 mins Arnav that's impossible . Even if he started from his college before half an hour he will reach at 1.30 you know na it will take 1 hour to reach our office from his place and to come here in 5 mins he should be already at the entrance of our office which i highly doubt . Because i didnt receive any call from the receptionist.

Arnav;Di he will be here in 4 and half mins and receptionist didnt call because I already informed her about his arrival.

Anjali in mind this is too much . He is just an ordinary person who is coming here for an interview and he should be waiting at the reception to see me . Usually i do this do analyse all candidates patience  and here Arnav had overruled my all theory. Now how can i test him if he is treated like a VIP not like a mere employee. hmmm

she is thinking about the various way in which she can test his capability.

Meanwhile Arnav received call from Shyam saying he is in his cabin waiting for him.

Arnav informed Anjali about it and moved towards his cabin which is adjacent to hers.

Anjali thought see here he came for an interview and he dint wait for it . he is moving around my place without permission like he own it . i hate his attitude. And he is so greedy trying to attain position in big firms in the name of friendship. chaaa

Arnav's cabin

Arnav and Shyam hugged each others and exchanged pleasantries.

Shyam; so Arnav what do you want to discuss with me? 

Arnav: Sir its about the company portfolio we are covering it for a long time and we want only best of it . We have certain ideas which we want to discuss with you . like what to do you think about this field  the exposure, how much it is important to the client like certain things which we want to add in our portfolio. Will you please help us with it. i know you have great knowledge about it since you did masters in it.

Shyam: Oh Arnav why you need me when you have the best in this field your sister will ace it more than me.

Arnav dont know what to said and blabbered. Since its her company she want to know it from third person perspective.

Shyam : oh ok will do it.

Arnav : not here sir in her cabin.

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