Part 4: curiosity kills

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Breaking of dawn usually bring new hope in everybody's life, new day, new hope,new thoughts...

For Akash its new hope , hope to gain his lady love. He is so happy to execute his plan now. Late night.. talk with Arnav has given him hope to pursue his love.

There is some extra spring in his move.He is beaming with happiness while coming to dinning table . All looked at him for his wierd behaviour.Anjali is keenly noticing his behaviour from yesterday. She thought something is fishy.

Anjali: Akash !anything special u r seeing unusually happy today.

Akash: (in mind oh shit Akash u r gone) nothing di just happy.

Anjali: ok OK have some breakfast( in mind something is fishy have to look into it)

Arnav to divert Anjali

Arnav: di !!I am going to join office today.

Anjali: chote u just returned yesterday. Take some rest and join .why so soon...

Arnav: u know me di . I can't simply sit in home. And more over I want to analyse the progress in office and want to discuss it with my master. I said I would meet him at evening. So for that I have to visit office.

Anjali again feel jealous . Her brother giving more importance to an outsider than her.

Anjali: as u wish.

By saying this she begin to move outside .

Nani: chote why don't u cal him to our home for discussion. We will also get a chance to meet him in person.

Arnav : ya sure nani . will ask him abt it.okay nani will see you later.

Scene Delhi university

Akash entered the college with his friends and tried to locate his lady love .

She is nowhere to be seen.

His heart sank for not seeing her.His dejected face is evident to others . On this way to class near library he feels someone is watching him.on rising his head he see her watching him with unreadable expression.

He start move towards her and extend his hand saying awkwardly

Akash: Hi... I am Akash.!!

Instead of payals voice he heard another voice .

Hi I am Khushi and this is my jiji Payal.

Akash give a weird expression to Khushi And stumbled with his words

Akash: wo wo . hai I think I have seen u somewhere. So I thought to ask u abt it.

Khushi: being the chatter box answered him ya I too think the same. R u from Lucknow . becoz we r from there. U may have seen jiji becoz she is university rank holder for last three years...she continue to blabber till payal dragged her out.

Akash don't know wat to say . he planned to talk to Payal to make her as an acquaintance but his plan is failed . due to a girl called Khushi.

 due to a girl called Khushi

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