Part 17 : surprise party

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To reduce the tension you should confuse it and dissipate it

Raizada mansion:

Arnav is having his beauty sleep when he hear his who ringing , he attended the call without seeing the caller id
phone conversation:

Arnav: hello in sleepy tome
Payal: Hello Hero did i disturb your sleep
Arnav: Ah ah who is this?
Payal: er its payal sorry for calling early .
Arnav: oh Angel dont worry , I am already up now .
Payal: woh actually i want your help 
Arnav: ya Angel anything for you
Payal: hero its about Shyam bhai birthday
Arnav: oh ya tomorrow ,thanks for reminding me
Payal: Actually i called you to invite for his surprise party.
Arnav: laughingly said oh surprise party 
Payal: ya 
Arnav: oh dont be formal with me i will be there even if you dont invite me
Payal: actually the invitation is extended to your family. I know they wont be interested in it but i am in a position where i should invite your whole family to the party
Arnav: oh Angel, for me i dont need invitation but for the family you have to invite them formally 
Payal: ya i know but.
Arnav: no but angel wait i will pass phone to them you invite them personally
Payal: oh no need hero no...

Arnav moved towards living room and handed phone to nani informing her about call

NAni: oh payal bitiya how are you?
Payal: i am good nani, HOw are you?
Nani: teek ah bitiya.
Payal: nani actually i want to invite you all for shyam bhai birthday party tonight
Nani:wish him on my behalf bitya
PAyal: ya nani sure.
nani gave phone to Arnav 

Arnav: OK Angel its already late for your college go get ready
Payal: teek hai hero bye

nani to Arnav:
nani: So chote going to party tonight
Arnav: ya nani actually i am thinking about pulling Aakash and di with me , since he is gonna be member of our family( as in shyam joining office) 
but nani took it literally
Nani in questioning tone: chote joining family?
Arnav: ya nani as he is going to join our office in one month time so it will be a good get-together to know about each others na
disappointed with Arnav's answer nani in mind
ya i know he is joining office but he joining family made me to think about the possibilities, i like him, he is good, chote worship him,whats wrong if i try to set him with Anjali bitiya ya it will be good, but for that i have to talk to him and know about his opinion before, this party will be a great chance ya ya  blesssing in disguise

nani: chote i will also come with you
Arnav: but nani its after midnight since its a surprise party
Nani; oh woo than i definitely come , i love surprise party
Arnav: ok nani i will inform Angel and make arrangements for your travel

mami who is coming towards them here this and asked
mami: going without me
Nani: no manorama you also coming actually everybody from our household is going
Arnav: wow nani thats great, i will make the necessary arrangements

mami saw mischievious glint in nani eyes and asked
mami: sasuma anything which i should know?
nani: actually manorama call manohar also i want to discuss something with you guys and want your opinion for it

mami ,manohar mama and nani conversation
nani: actually i am considering someone for Anjali bitiya i want your opinion about him
MAmi: who is that, do i know him?
nani: ya we all know him, its Shyam manohar jha
mami and mama didnt say anything for sometime
mama: amma we dont know much about him and Anjali bitiya she will not say ok to this and moreover we have to know about shyam opinion
nani: ya so only i decided to attend his birthday party tonight
Mami: Actually sasuma i think they are perfect for each other, i see some sparks between them, oh i am excited we will have marriage in our home, oh wow super
nani: mamorama come back to earth , first we have to ask shyam's opinion then have to talk to Anjali bitiya, since we all know that it wont be easy, i like to have something against her so that i can make her to do this for us, i wish to see her married and happy. and started crying
mami: me too sasuma dont worry we will think of something

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