Part 61:Flirty Flirt

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Khushi entered the conference room and informed everyone about their shortcoming and negligence individually
While informing Avantika she expected her to throw some tandrum but she smiled and said its okay its better i dont work under the family, will create lot of problems later on

Khushi on not getting her implication asked for who?

Avantika with a smile said for me as in you, we being relative put you in spot if there is any future altercations

Khushi not believing her word said there wont be any problem moreover you designing style have been copied from various top designers have your own design

Avantika smiled and said you dont know the reality of this industry so better you dont comment on it, and i think you dont have any authority to reject me, i have more experience than you in this field

Khushi : so, your number of years in this field didn't teach you plagiarism is offensive crime

Avantika became angry and tried to raise her hand on her but remembering her goal she tried to play it cool with a smile and said i just got inspired from their design and made my own its not any fault better i dont fight with you this job isnt worth for me with that she turned and went out

On her way out she called her mother and blamed everything on Khushi and decided to make her move now

Here in office after Avantika fiasco everything went smooth Khushi finished her job and went to Arnavs cabin

Arnav: you have done a great job come i will treat you for it

Khushi declining Arnavs offer and said my star its my job nothing unusual no need to celebrate

Arnav: hey jalebi bai if your friend treat you, you should always say yes free food is good right

Khushi : right but
Arnav: no buts come lets go i have completed my work to treat you  with that he dragged Khushi with him

Both reached high end hotel though Khushi is not exposed to the riches of the world she know how to behave in these areas

Arnav ordered two dishes to his liking and said asked her to order

Khushi who is avid fan of desi food didnt like their continental menu and just ordered a tea and dessert

Arnav: i know you dont like these type of food but you can try right may be your taste bud will get adapted to it also and dont worry i came here because i am hungry and cant digest local food will take you to your favourite stall after i complete my food

Khushi: what my star i just hated you for making me order food here you should have said this before i wont order anything now after eating those tea and dessert how can i eat my favourite food in complaining tone

Arnav smiled at her childish behaviour and said no worries i know you have a very big appetite even after eating full stomach you will feel hungry on seeing your favourite dish

Khushi turned red on hearing it but Khushi being Khushi said so what i know you can pay for my food so there wont be any problem right

Arnav smiled and said ya ya dont worry i will pay for you food for your lifetime and winked at her

Khushi become shy and said i said no flirting with me

Arnav : no you said not to flirt with you in office this is not office right so i can flirt with you and winked at her again

Khushi : friends dont flirt with each other

Arnav: but boyfriend girl friend flirt with each other

Khushi: i am not your girlfriend

Arnav : but i am your boyfriend right

Khushi: no you are not my boyfriend

Arnav: then who am i? To you

Khushi: friend

Arnav : just friend? Raising his eyebrows at her

Khushi : yes just friends

Arnav : so we are not boyfriend girlfriend

Khushi : no we are not Khushi said in irritated tone

Arnav: hey hey be chill i just pulled your legs i know we are friends dont worry i won't cross my limit.

Khushi in her mind why do i feel bad when he said like this i only wanted him to say that but when he said the word its so painful, waah Khushi you have become mental always thinking about him,but rejecting his advances, no no no he just flirted and made fun of me he didn't make any advances towards me, having her mental monologue Khushi didnt see her phone is vibrating and missed the call from Avantika

Their dinner continued with their common nok jok

When Khushi returned home Avantika is all ready with her bags, she informed Khushi

Avantika: Khushi i think its time to visit home, my mothers condition is getting worse we have to make her to see you soon, will you be able to make it tomorrow, i already booked our tickets just waiting for your confirmation, i tried to inform you but you didnt pick the call

Khushi: what Avantika i just started my job as an intern now i have to attend the office

Avantika : please Khushi try to understand i can even talk to Arnav about it please with that she started to cry

Arnav who came behind Khushi have heard and seen everything

Avantika went to Arnav with tears in her eye and said

Avantika : Arnav will you please allow Khushi to come with me, i know you all are worried about her may be you can also come with us, so that no one worries about her

Khushi trying to intervene and said thats not needed we can go i can manage it

Anjali and Shyam who came at that time looked at each other

Arnav looked at Khushi's face and moved towards Anjali and Shyam

Anjali: chote i am worried about her

Arnav: i know di, ao only i decided to go with them will you have any problem if i went with them can you manage work for those few days

Anjali smiled and said no problem chote in mami style when Anjali is here why fear and both of them hugged each other

Arnav then turned to Shyam and said : i know you wont have any problem with it jijaji but  shyam stopped him and said

Shyam: you know me i trust you more than anything and i know Princess will be safe with you. With that they bro hugged each other

There at the corner Avantika had an evil smile in her face
Avantika mind ( mission accomplished now i have both Khushi and Arnav with me, without that hitler didi i can easily seduce Mr. Perfect and make him mine and make Khushi to go through what she deserve for belittling me)

Khushi : no need bhaiya and bhabhi i am a big girl i can handle things

Arnav with a smile said : oye oye jalebi bai they know what an mental you are so only thay allow me to come with you

Khushi : what whaat did you said mental?
I am not mental you amd your family is mental

Arnav : which include you also so my theory remains same mental with that he moved before her and flicked her nose amd moved away saying pack your bags soon i will reschedule my meeting and tickets for us, Avantika can you share your travel detail i can book according to it may be we can cancel it and go by flight what do you say?

Avantika become flustered when Arnav addressed her she fumbled for words and said ya thank you so much

The most awaited trip to nainital came😜😜

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