Chapter 26: Hertitage

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"Dwarf-King?!" I stammer.

Dwarf-king! That means Thorin doesn't it? If I'm his daughter then... oh please no! Kili can't be my- I can't even think of that possibility. Did I kiss my cousin?! Gross, oh please no!

"That means, Thorin is-was my father?" I ask Legolas, not really wanting to hear his answer.

"No, no... There are many in their royal family."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"There's Balin, Dwalin, Oin, Glion..." My brother's voice fades into the distance.

It appears every member of the party may have been my father, as well as a few others. I could have met him and never known. The man I had daydreamed about my entire life, who would someday swoop in and free me from my room, taking me away to great halls and laughter, I had met him. However, it seems any hope of that future has burned with him. On the bright side, the odds are slightly improved that I am not Kili's cousin.

After a small silence, we walk back to the center of camp.

"I've changed my plans Larien. I leave tonight."

I stop dead in my tracks and throw my arms around my brother. He wraps his arms around me in turn.

"When will I see you again?" I ask into his shirt.

"I'm not sure pen-neth (little one)." His word vibrate with emotion. "But our paths will cross again."

I bury my face deeper into his shirt.

"Larien, a storm is brewing among elves, dwarves and men. I must go now, so that you will have peace later. Goodbye Neithig (little sister)."

He releases me from the hug, but I don't let him go.

"No. No. I can't. I want to stay with you!"

He drops to his knees, eye-level with me.

"Pen-neth (little-one), as reluctant as I am to say it, those dwarves are your-" He takes a deep breath. "They are your family now. They have good hearts, your only chance with happiness is with them."

"No! You're my brother! My family!" I shake with quiet sobs. "My brother... My brother..."

"Yes! Of course. We will always be a family Niethig. Always." He puts his hands on my shoulder, resisting tears of his own. "This isn't goodbye forever. I will see you again. "

"They can't replace you toron (brother)."

"I know they can't. But I see goodness in them, as much as I am loathe to admit. They will keep you safe."

He stands to leave and pulls me to my feet.

"You promise to come back to me?"

"I promise, pen-neth (little-one)." He swears with a sad smile. "I have something for you."

He hands me a box painted with fiery-red flowers.

"Come on, open it." He says, gesturing.

I click open the latch to find the beautiful little box full to the brim of atheleas. He smiles. He turns and walks away.

My brother. Gone again. And this time, I am sure it will be for longer than three days. Farewell Legolas. My heart will weep until I see you again. Be safe.

His silhouette stands before the trees for a moment, and then disappears into the black of night. I walk back to camp. They have both fallen fast asleep.

We must have a watch. I will stay up for a while. I do not think I can sleep just yet anyway.

I sit alone, staring into the flames just thinking. I haven't had the chance to do this in a while. I quickly lose track of time. The moon is at its full height now and I have been on watch for the past four hours. Whispering a small apology I wake Kili. He stretches and sits up.

"I'm sorry Lari-sar." he yawns, "Its far past my turn isn't it."

I smile and nod. The stinging Autumn wind runs through our camp and I shiver.

"Sit with me?" He asks, extending an arm.

I nod again, too exhausted for conversation, and sit down, leaning against the log. He removes his over-sized coat and pulls me closer to him. He's warm, his strong warm hand resting on my cold arm. I sit hip to hip with him, as he wraps an arm around me. I turn into him, resting my head on his chest and curling up with my legs slung over his. As I drift off to sleep he pulls his coat like a blanket over me.

Warm. Comfortable. Safe.

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