Chapter 24: Determination

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 Shortly after my brother arrived at camp, Fili returns with firewood. He throws it on the fire, sending up a flurry of sparks as the flames leap in the air. Everyone is thankful for the warmth- the chill of winter is creeping into the air. There is an awkward, but companionable silence as the remaining party-members stare into the flickering fire, mulling over the death and destruction of the previous days. I sit next to Kili, his arm around my shoulders. I haven't slept more than a couple hours a night since I first met these dwarves five days previous, and I'm eager to sleep, warm and surronded by Kili's protective presence.

 Wow. Only five days. And they already seem like a second family to me. They ought to be strangers. But I suppose 24 hours a day for five days is a little more than acquaintances. And he did save my life on a multitude of occasions. Yes. Family. I like the sound of that.

 I snuggle closer to Kili, both for warmth and affirmation.


 My brother interrupts my thoughts, "I'm leaving at first light."

 "But toron (brother), you've only just come!" I object.

 "I am only here to 'observe the happenings in Laketown' neithig(little sister). If I dally here long I risk someone else arriving back in Mirkwood before me. I cannot have another relying the message that I came here to discover. I must go back and tell our Ada(father) of the happenings here." He says, and then turns his words to Kili and Fili. "As for you, I would recommend leaving as soon as possible. The people of Laketown have turned on you and go to take Erebor in a week's time. I would be long gone by then if you value your lives."

 The brothers look at each other in panicky silence, each begging the other to take charge.

 Finally, Kili speaks, "A week's time? You are certain of this?"

 "Aye. They mean to assemble a place for the women and children to stay first, before the men travel to Erebor and raid it. I think they may also be intending to wait for the army of Mirkwood, so that may buy you another day or so, but our elf-horses are swift, so no more than that."

 I can feel Kili's arm around me tense. He makes a fist with his hand, then opens it again, then closes, then opens.

 Then he continues, "I want to see my home. I want to see the endless rooms and vaulted ceilings glittered with jewels like stars. I want to see the great halls and endless armories; I want to witness all of Erebor's grandeur before it is raided by these dogs you call men. It shouldn't be more than a day's ride to Erebor."

 "A day's ride. Its too far for you to travel on foot and be sure that you will be out of range by the time the men arrive on their horses."

 Fili is in firm agreement with his brother and speaks, "I don't care if we are out of range by the time the men get here! We have traveled six months to see Erebor, and we will see it!"

 "It is a fool's errand!" My brother bellows.

 "Then call me a fool!" Fili returns, leaping to his feet.

 Seconds tick by.

 "You cannot control what I-we do. We will see Erebor." Fili states calmly. "We leave for the mountain at first light."

 Oh god. Not again. Why must Legolas' and my paths always part? And walking to Erebor?! I cannot travel that far. My ankle-I will slow them down. I cannot go with them. It is for their own good.

 "You two will leave in the morning." I whipser.

 "Did you say something Lari-sar?" Kili asks.

 Louder this time, "You two will leave in the morning. I cannot go with you."

 "Wait?! Lari-sar, you mean to dessert us?"

 "I cannot walk that far. My ankle- I will slow you down. I doubt you would even reach Erebor. I remain here."

 "Neithig (little sister) what happened to your ankle?"

 "I fell, when the house was burning. I twisted it quite badly."

 "Oh, that is easy, I can teach you how to fix it." My brother responds. Then directs his attention back to the previous matter. "However, if my sister does travel with you, I will not allow you to walk to Erebor. The danger is too great. You must ride there."

 "In case your elf-eyes haven't noticed, we don't have any horses." Fili retorts.

 "I am no fool. Do not treat me as such." My brother snaps. "Laketown kept their horses on land, in a large stable. Its a half-mile away and I would imagine it is undamaged. You will get your rides there."

After this argument things calmed down again to talk of the details of stealing horses.

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