Chapter 19: Dragon Fire

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An enormous roar explodes over the town. The thunder of the dragon's wings is almost as deafening as the agonizing screams. Smaug had reached the edge of Laketown. The air filled with fear, death and smoke begins to seep under the cellar door and choke us. Everyone starts to cough from the foul air.

Legolas pulls a piece of fabric from his pocket and covers his mouth with it. One by one, our company follows his example, grabbing scraps of cloth to protect their lungs from the smoke. Tilda won't release her grip on me, making me unable to mask her or myself. Seeing my predicament, Kili rips two pieces off the bottom of my cloak and wraps one around my face. He takes the other and, with a little coaxing, has Tilda put it on.

The deafening noise hasn't ceased for a moment. The anguished screams of the dying fill everyone's ears. I want to run, bolt. Run as far away as I can, but I know it would do no good but to perhaps run directly into the flame. The air gets hotter, the screams get louder, the smoke gets thicker and the dragon gets closer. The ground shakes so violently everyone falls to the floor. I brace myself with one arm, trying to break the fall for the girl in my arms. Pain shoots up my wrist. There is an excruciatingly loud roar. Then, all noise fades into the distance. From the ground, I watch the timbers on the roof shake.

The dragon, it's close, very close.

Then there is an agonizing heat. Somehow, I know Tilda is screaming even though everything is silent. I try to stand, but the ground shakes violently again. Smoke is filling the room, stinging my eyes and obscuring my vision. Still, there is no fire to be seen. I feel a hand on my arm and look to see Kili, who has crawled over to me. I can tell he's saying something, but I can't hear it over the roar of the firestorm. Then, the roof is ripped from over our heads by an enormous, clawed hand. I stare in horror for only an instant before Legolas yanks me too my feet and starts to drag us towards the door. I hear someone screaming. It takes me a moment to realize that someone is me. I shout as my brother drags me out the back door.

"We can't leave the others!" I scream and yank my hand from my brother's grip.

"They'll only slow us down." Legolas yells.

I turn to see the house already engulfed in dragon fire and dash straight towards it before my brother can stop me. The porch is on fire and the air is thick with smoke. I spin around, looking for any signs of survivors.

"Kili?! Tilda?!" I scream in desperation but the hot air takes my voice.

I leap over a pile of burning rubble, into what once was Bard's basement.  My ears are greeted with nothing but the crackle of flames.

"Kili!" I cry again, my voice breaking in the hot, dry air.

My tears instantly evaporate from the burning heat. Someone collides with me, knocking me roughly to the ground. I scream in terror and pain. A flaming beam burns right where I had been. I try to stand to escape, but a rush of pain shoots up my leg and I fall back down. I'm plucked up bridal style by my rescuer instantly and carried out the door of the collapsing house. I look up into his face.

Kili. He's alive.

He says nothing as he bolts from the fiery scene. I can't see a thing; I don't know where he's taking me. The air is clouded with smoke. All I can do is cling to his neck and pray.We come to a stop momentarily before I'm greeted by the water of the frigid lake. Kili keeps me above the water with a hand around my waist as he paddles under to dock.

"Is everyone... are they..." I whisper to Kili, unable to say that horrible word, Dead.

My voice cracks, still dry. I stare at the black depth beneath me, I can't bear to meet his eyes.

Maybe if I had done something, if I hadn't left... Maybe they wouldn't be dead...

He nudges me.

"Did you says something Lari-sar?" He asks.

I look up to answer him, saying, louder this time, "Did anyone survive?"

Now I see them. Everyone is here. Fili and Bard's children are right in front of us, hanging onto the beams of the dock.

"Yes, we're fine." Fili states with a relived smile. "We were worried about you. Running straight into the fire like that, it was mad!"

Even as the town burns everyone here shares a smile. We all survived. The moment is interrupted by a splash and Legolas landing in the water in front of me. The splash knocks me off balance and I cling to Kili tightly. My brother stares at Kili and me for a moment before his eyes glint in anger.

"Get your grubby little paws off of her!" He shouts at Kili, enraged. Kili's hold on me doesn't loosen, and I'm glad because I would sink. "I said let her go NOW! Legolas shouts again, leaping forward and pointing a dagger at Kili's throat.

"I can't, she can't swi.." Kili objects, stunned by the sudden change of events.

"No excuses! Get you're dwarvish hands off of her." Legolas says again, this time he grabs me roughly by the arm and yanks.

"Ow!" I yelp as he rips me from Kili's grasp.

He releases the hold on my arm and I start to sink. I flail my arms and legs trying to stay above the surface but it does little good.

"Legolas! I can't swim!" I shout, jumping towards him and clinging to his arm.

My brother's eyes widen in understanding, and he scoops me up in one arm.

"I should have known that..." He mumbles.

"Yes you should!" I shout angrily at him. "Why did you have to yell at Kili anyway?! He saved my life! I would've been crushed by the burning house!"

"He's a dwarf! They're awful creatures! I don't like you being around them, they'll hurt you!" He retorts, equally furious.

"Dwarves are awful? Do not forget, brother, that I am just as much dwarf as elf! If they are so awful why would he have saved my life, especially at the risk of his own?! And you didn't mind me going with them before! You knew it was the only way to escape from your father and that fact hasn't changed. I need them!" I yell back, moving to that our eyes are level.

I know it's a bit ridiculous, trying to intimidate someone who's holding you in one arm, but I'm angry and I want to look him in the eyes.

"I didn't think you were going to get romantic with one of them! That changes everything! They're greedy with no compassion or thoughts of anyone but themselves!" Legolas spits in distaste.

"You're the greedy one! You won't let me live my own life! You're keeping me all to yourself, even if that means my imprisonment. If dwarves are so greedy and awful, why did they allow me to come with them?  Why didn't they leave me to die in the dungeons because I was half elf? They have just as much reason to despise me as your kind do, and yet a dwarf has saved my life twice in a single week! Tell me brother, how is that selfish?" I scream.

My brother says nothing. His eyes lower, breaking our eye contact.

"I see neithg (little sister.) I'm sorry I hurt you. I admit that I liked having you all to myself. You were always there to talk to and now, I'm losing you. I'm sorry. I was selfish." He mumbles and then there's a pause. "But I still don't want that stupid dwarf pawing you."

I smile and throw my arms around my brother's neck. "Don't worry. You taught me well. I can take him out if need be." I whisper jokingly in his ear. I can tell my brother is smiling even before he releases me from the hug.

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