He turns to me, looking down due to my annoyingly short height, before repeating, "I Maximus Myers, take the Poppy Parker as my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death parts us." The priest says in a clear and precise tone. A soft cry from Annalisa has the crowd in baffled laughter while Maximus rolls his eyes, before repeating those words, only to add in his vows.

He raises his hands to my cheeks, caressing them while I wish to round mine around his neck, but I stay still as he makes love to me with nothing but words, "Poppy, my gorgeously spirited, clever and beyond angelically beautiful honey. I will love you, make love to you, cherish you and adore you even after my last breath because this priest believes death could part us, but let me tell you, my soul could never part from it's other half. I know with absolute certainty that you are everything that could ever complete me. I know our first moments together did not pose as a Romeo and Juliet love story, but I will do my damn best to ensure our lives together are more memorable than their's ever could be. I'd hoped I'd found a word that meant more than love because I know what I feel for you is so much more than a four letter word with the meaning of passionate devotion to another. Everyday I'd thought I'd lost you, was every day I burned more for you and now that I have you here, with me and in my arms, I want nothing more than an eternity with you by my side." He finishes with a slight croak at the end, I close my eyes with the widest of smiles.

"Lord, I swear you just want to see my mascara run, you perfect prince." I murmur, once I've opened my glassy eyes. Diana hits the highest note of laughter while Maximus rolls his eyes, using his thumb to wipe away my first tear before sliding his hands down my arms and capture my hands.

The priest turns to me, "Poppy, please repeat after me, I, Poppy Prim Parker, take Maximus Myers to be my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death parts us." I repeat his words before saying my own vows.

"Maximus, My Darling. The moment I first managed to cause an enchanted tick in your hardened fatigue, I knew you were a man fighting a whole world for, I know you are the one person that walks this earth with a star matched for me. Like an idiot, I'd thought you'd let go of the grip you had on me, the love you feel for me, I'd thought it would dissipate?...You proved me wrong. Having you by my side made me realise not only that I'd wish for you to stay there, but that once you were in my mists, I could never willingly let you go. Sadly, I know I'll never be able to top your speech, but know for certain, my one and only soulmate, that everything I am is everything in you. I vow to do my damn best in making you the happiest man alive, in giving you everything you deserve and so much more. I vow to love you, cherish you and adore you til the ends of time and beyond." I murmur, he breaks into a smile when a flash of utter admiration captures the corner of his eyes.

He mouths, 'I'll love you...'

Allowing me to finish, 'Forever and Always...'

He closes his eyes in purity, nodding his head before we hear the priest say, "And now, for the rings."

Maximus shoots into action as he lets go of only one of my hands, turning back to a slightly freaked out Ivan, who mutters a curse word, patting over his jacket pockets before moving to the pants.

"You better not have screwed this up, Ivan or I'll ruin you for all that you are, you little-" Maximus makes a point to growl menacingly and a smirking Ivan who pulls out the ring from his inside top pocket, quieting Maximus close advances as he slips the beautiful amethyst jewelled and silver rimmed ring that takes all the air from my lungs when I see Maximus has gotten an upgrade.

He turns to me, only a small amount of sweat on his brow as the remnants of Ivan's earlier joke almost sent him over the edge. He trembles slightly when I raise my left hand and he slips the well-fitted and completely priceless ring onto my wedding finger.

The Lone Dove #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now