For real??

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"Wait- w-what is this? How? Why? For real? Oh My God." I said looking at me who was half naked sleeping next to Daniel, his hands were around my naked waist.The only thing I remember about last night was me going out for a drink and I got really drunk, I don't even remember coming back home.I wanted to wake up from there but part of me was telling me to stay; stay next to him like the way I was now. While I was thinking what to do he suddenly opened his eyes. "Good morning~" he said in such a sweet voice I wanted to hear that all day long cause you never know what's gonna happen next..
I asked him what happened yesterday and I was really embarrassed after knowing that 'I got mad drunk and called him to pick me up and I told him that I wasn't feeling well because my heart was fluttering when he got close to me a while ago and he told me I was looking really cute even though I hate when someone calls me cute but it was okay since it was him. Then we got home and I vomited on his clothes and when he was removing his tee I did the same and I went to his bed to sleep with him because to me it was cold while it was kinda hot yesterday'
Thinking about all that I wanted to leave everything and move to Kamar taj.
Kamar taj... I want to watch 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' really bad but have to wait for like 2 years ㅜㅜ but seems like I'm stuck in realty -_-.
After a while he got up and went to take shower but I wanted to sleep for a while so I did. The first thing I saw after waking up was half-naked Daniel in front of my bed and towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet and he was drying it and I gotta admit that he was looking hot or sexy as what allosexual people might say, I don't really know what hot/sexy is I feel stupid for that but maybe how Daniel was looking right now is what they call hot/sexy. "At least close your mouth if you're gonna eye rape me" he said smirking, at that moment I realized what I was doing, I mentally slapped myself for looking at him that way. He was coming closer and closer and he got really close to my face and I don't know why I closed my eyes. He came really close and he said in a seducing voce "Excepting something cutie?"

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