49. Emergency Exit

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"Good," Namjoon took a breath and swallowed, "We'll come to the shop and we can decide what to do there. Over."

"See you in a second, over and out." 

"See you there, over and out." Yoongi's voice fuzzed through the device sounding like his was breaking. 

"We better be quick," you pointed out, "The shooter could be anywhere, should I distract them?"

"No!" Jungkook replied quickly, "We go together." He looked at Namjoon as if asking for approval, Namjoon nodded agreeing it was a better plan to move together. 

"Let's go then." 

With the two guys behind you, the three of you darted out from behind the wall and ran towards the shop that was three buildings away. The shooter was aiming for the three of you but missed every shot which was giving you more confidence they might miss every shot. You were so close, you could all make it in one piece. 

"Y/N MOVE!" Namjoon shouted shoving you out the way. 

Confused you looked over just in time to see a bullet land in his arm, a red dot on the spot. He'd pushed you out of the way when he saw the dot on you. 

"HYUNG!" Jungkook shouted grabbing onto Namjoon and half dragging him with you. 

The three of you fell in the broken door of the pet shop and landed in a heap on the floor. Hobi quickly helped you up making sure you didn't have any wounds before helping the others with Namjoon. 

He'd been shot in the shoulder and blood was gushing out of the wound onto Jin's hands as he applied pressure to the wound. 

"It went straight through," Yoongi informed Namjoon kneeling down behind him. 

"Good," Namjoon breathed sweat beading on his forward and rolling down his temples, "It'll just need disinfectant and a bandage." 

"You alright?" Jungkook asked blocking your view of Namjoon and looking down at you with a worried expression. 

You swallowed your mouth very dry. "Yeah, are you?"

He nodded glancing over his shoulder at Namjoon. "He'll be alright, Jungkook. It was lucky."

"He saved you, it was either his arm or your head I watched it." 

Your stomach sank when you heard this, you hated hearing that he'd done that to save you. Apart from being extremely grateful, you felt very guilty. "That's the second near headshot. If you hadn't tripped me earlier I would've gone then and there." He pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.

"Y/N." A loud voice echoed down the road and into the small shop as if being boosted by a megaphone. "I know where you are."

The guys all turned to look at you as a silence falling over them. 

"I can see the shop where you are and you can't hide there forever."

"Baehyun," you muttered recognising the voice.

"I will kill you, Y/N. I'll kill you for what you did and I'll kill your boyfriends if they try and get in the way." Baehyun sounded half angry half smug his voice dripping with cockiness. 

"You have an hour to come to our camp alone or I'll release my guys to hunt and torture all of you and so you have no excuses I'll make sure you know where we are. If anyone but Y/N leaves the shop you'll be killed on sight. If you come I'll spare them, Y/N and I know you won't want their deaths on your conscience." His voice echoed through the buildings then went quiet indicating your timer had started. 

The guys all turned to look at you with the same worried and scared expression on his face.

"What are we going to do?" Jimin spoke first but no one answered.

No one knew how to start the arguement that was going to erupt but it was very obvious it would. You knew they wouldn't let you go but you wouldn't let them die for you. If you went then it was guaranteed that you would die and would higher the chance that the others survived if they could slip past Baehyun's men and make it to the Hospital. But if you didn't go it guaranteed that all of you would be killed. 

"I'm not letting you die for me," you stubbornly crossed your arms looking at them.

Namjoon was now sat in a booth leaning back against the wall his arm wrapped in a makeshift sling made out of a shirt.

 Jin was opposite him his head resting on his hands propped up on his elbows. Jimin and Tae were in the booth next to them a tired look on their young faces.

Hobi was sat on a chair his legs up on another one and a tin of rice in his hands. 

Yoongi was leaning against the counter his arms crossed and a frown on his face and Jungkook was sat on the table in the middle of Tae and Jimin his eyes fixed on you and an unreadable expression on his handsome face. 

"We're not letting you go," Yoongi muttered looking down at the floor. 

"I'm not letting you die," you repeated shaking your head and pacing slightly.

"You can't just leave," Tae said in a voice so broken it made your eyes start to water. 

"What other choice do we have?" Your voice broke slightly.

"We run, we hide?" Hobi suggested clutching to straws. 

"And then what? It's either some of us make it to the Hospital or we die."

"Don't say that," Jungkook shook his head now breaking eye contact with you and staring at his feet. "This isn't the time to be the hero, Y/N."

"I'm not," you shook your head, "I don't want to die, I don't want my life to end because I know I'm not going to be able to see you guys again."  A tear rolled down your cheek, "But I'd rather die knowing I gave you a better chance of survival than live without you when my decisions caused your death." 

Jungkook opened his mouth as if to argue back but Namjoon stopped him by speaking first.

"Hang on, we need to talk about this without getting angry. A lot is at stake here, Y/N can you give us a second."

"Fine," you sighed walking further into the pet shop until you reached the small storeroom filled with dog toys in boxes and feed bags. At the other end of the room, there was a fire door, you walked over to it and pushed the handle down. It swung open revealing an alleyway that led back to the main road. 

It was now in your hands. What happened to the group was now your choice, you could either run now and wait until they realised you were gone or stay here until they called you back. You know what you were going to do and they wouldn't like it.

Getting to the end of the story. Don't know about you guys but it makes me sad.
Lotta Love,

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