Chapter Thirty Five: Free Spirits

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In the Collector's Private Quarters

"What do I do with this?", Brentman asked while looking at the sphere. Colleen helped me walk inside, and Joey came in last. The sphere then started to glow at the jar of souls, and Joey went up to open it. However, he stopped to look at us. "Joey, you're going to save the others.", Colleen told him. Joey then opened up the jar, and all the souls of our dead friends came flying out. I smiled happily as every soul flew out. "They're all free! We did it!", I told the others. "This is good, but I really want to get out of here alive.", Colleen said. "Joey, let's go.", Brentman said. "I need to get to the hospital, so come on.", I added in.

Back Outside

We all got outside immediately, and the sphere began to glow again. Next thing you know, the portal opened up. As me, Brentman, and Colleen were happy, all three of us walked into the portal. However, Joey just stood there. "Joey! Let's go!", Brentman told him. But Joey didn't answer or said anything. He just stood there, looking a bit confused. "Joey?...", I asked. But as I did, he gave me an evil smile and walked away. My eyes opened up after seeing what has happened. "Joey! Ow!...", I said while getting out of Colleen's arms. I even tried to run after him, but I couldn't. The pain in my foot grew more, and I fell onto the ground. "Genesis, he can find his own way out! Come on! We need to take you to a hospital!", Brentman said as he picked me up bridal style. All three of us then went inside the portal, and I took one last look at Joey walking away before the portal closed.

Back in the Present Day, In the Forest

Once we all got back, the society was there, and so were Matt and Nikita. "Colleen? Genesis? Brentman? What happened?", Matt asked. All three of us looked down and didn't know what to say. "I don't know...", Brentman said. "He didn't come through...", Colleen added in. As everyone went silent for a second, I let out a groan of pain. "Oh my gosh! Genesis!", Matt said as he went up to me. Brentman sat me down onto the ground, and I tried to sit up. "She got stabbed in the foot.", Brentman told the others. Ryu took the ribbon off his head and gave it to Nikita. "The wound needs to be closed. She's losing blood quickly.", he said as Nikita got on her knees. She then placed the ribbon under my foot and looked at me. "I'm going to do this quickly. Just calm down...", she said. I shook my head and closed my eyes. I felt her tying the ribbon around my foot so tightly, and it was extremely painful. "AHHHH!!!!", I screamed in pain. Brentman placed his hand over my mouth to fight the pain off, but it was still painful to feel. Once the ribbon was tied, I started to form tears. "Are you okay?", Matt asked me. I looked at my crystal necklace and saw it glowing a little bit. Just looking at it reminded me of Joey and why he didn't come with us. I laid my head on Brentman's shoulder and started to cry some more. Not just because I was pain, but because of why Joey didn't come through the portal with us.

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