Chapter Five: Paw Prints

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In the Egyptian Exhibit

We all ran for our lives, after getting chased by that mummy. Once we all reached the doors of the Egyptian exhibit, we closed it quickly and started to catch our breaths.

My Confession: Note to self: Never stand in front of a mummy door when you know someone's home...

As the doors are still banging loudly, Joey tells us that he found a scroll.

   The Pharaoh was a kind ruler, but those close to him were not. They killed him, using dark magic, and did not understand the evil consequences of their actions. As a mummy, his mind is a blur of hate and revenge. But only he knows the location of the first jeweled key.

My Confession: Great... So now we have to try to communicate with the undead ruler in order to cleanse the first key. Now this is making think about something: How do you speak mummy, exactly?

"So what do we do? Go back and talk to him?", Tana asked as the group thought of that as insane. Ain't no way nobody is going outside to try and talk to that mummy, and risk of getting killed. "No, we have to obviously open this thing.", Justine said as we all saw the chest in front of us. It didn't have a lock on it or anything. At this rate, we didn't know what to do, but that was until Colleen found a note and a mini statue of a cat.

   The Pharaoh's cats turn from stone to flesh by the light of the harvest moon and leave footprints of their travels. Their paths lead to Egypt's most sacred symbols, which must be painted beneath their feet.

My Confession: Okay, I think we've got it now. There are four cats on the pedestal, and a huge line of paw prints all around the room. Now, call this Blue's Clues if you ask me, but I think that those paw prints might lead us to the symbols that we need to place under the cats feet.

Everyone suggested that we should follow the paw prints and see where they take us, but they were a bit difficult to see; despite some of them blending in with the carpet. As I tried to see them a bit more clearly, I saw Timothy taking a drink from his cat themed flask. "Really?", I asked him. "Hey, I've been bored for the past hour now. You would've done the same thing too, you know.", he said. As me and the group continued to search for the paw print trail, the mummy came through one of the back doors, and we all screamed and ran for our lives again. We all decided to hide in places where he couldn't see us, and he walked away. I sighed in relief and went back to searching. "What if the paw prints lead to the symbols, it said?", Colleen asked us. We all then start to follow the paw prints and try to find something. But that was until Brentman said that he found a rug. As the guys rolled it out, there's another display of paw prints on the rug. I crouch down and try to follow them, and Ro does the same thing too. As we're both following the paw prints, I noticed that the rug matches up with the other one the guys just rolled out. I got up from the floor quickly and line up the rug on top of the other one. "Guys, the paw prints match up with these ones here. Maybe if we follow those with the other ones, then we'll find the symbols.", I said while getting back down on the floor.

My Confession: My job as a Forest Scavenger is all about finding things. And when there is something suspicious about one clue, then it might match up with the other.

After following all of the paw prints on the two rugs, we all finally found all four symbols. Mortimer and Alex then bring in a table with some cups of black paint, and everyone starts to get each symbol lined up with the right cat. I look over at Alex and see what he paints, and his art was actually something to think about. "Wow, Alex.... That's really.... You've tried your best, and that's all that matters...", I tell him as he smiles at me. "I know it looks horrible.", he agreed with me. Once all four symbols are painted, we all see the chest open, and inside it is a scarab beetle. As we all look at it, Gabbie tells us that the note she got inside the chest was a map to where the beetle goes. As we're all looking around, I noticed the center of the wall in front of me, and it matches the one on the map; that must be where the beetle needs to be in place. I told Alex to place it over in the middle of the wall over there, and he does. Next thing you know, a secret door opens up. "This is the Sands of Egypt. Come on.", Joey tells us as we all go through the door.

In the Sands of Egypt Exhibit

Once we all got to the next exhibit, we all see this woman looking at us all mad. She even said that it's our fault that her husband died. "Is this the Collector?", Gabbie asked. I remember looking at the photo of her and told Gabbie it wasn't her. "Excuse me? Who are you?", I ask the woman. "I was once the Pharaoh's wife, and Queen. And now, I have nothing. What do you hope gain by-", she explained herself to us.

My Confession: As much as I hate to interrupt the royalty, I had no choice but to anyway.

"Um, pardon me, your ex-highness... But we're not here to rob you or anything. You see, we're on a mission to find nine jeweled keys, and we were wondering if you happen to have one on you.", I told her. However, the queen had no idea what I was talking about, so the group had to try and explain it to her. "A jeweled key, drove him mad. And it will do the same to you. But to bring him back to a peaceful rest, I will help.", the queen said. After hearing of what she had to say, Joey and I see these two statues in the center of the desert and a note on one of them.

   The Twin Sphinx hold the key to the mummy's mind. The first one lies near the pharaoh's sarcophagus, and the second only can be summoned by placing the golden obelisk here.

My Confession: It says that the Twin Sphinx holds the key to mind control, and that there's a obelisk to be placed in the desert here. So basically, we have two things to find at this point.

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