Chapter Eleven: Coin to Coin

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Back with the Group

We all head back to meet each other again, and turns out that the others couldn't get the other blade at all. They also mentioned about this weird blue girl that they've met inside the museum. As everyone is still talking about that, I interrupt them all to find these weird symbols on the ground. "Guys, I think we need to step on them.", I tell them all. We all then went to a symbol and stepped on it. Except there was one that was red. Everyone suggested that Tana should be on it, and said that it must've been something special for her. I could tell by just looking at Tana's face, that she was a bit annoyed. As she stepped on the red symbol, a light appeared in the middle with a box that had bunch of scrolls in it. Joey then gets the top of the box, and reads the note behind it.

   It's almost time to count your coins and see Garuda. Reach into the box and claim one scroll. Start with the person on the red symbol and go around the circle to their right. Once everyone has drawn, open and read the scrolls in the opposite order. Any others found, are read at the end.

As he finished reading the note, he asked everyone who are the ones with the lowest amount of coins. DeStorm told us all not to look at him, and we all just went back to what we had to do.

My Confession: We all then get a scroll and read what's on it. It's like playing a game of Monopoly; where you have to give money to your person. Except, this is a real showdown were doing here.

"Give two coins to anyone.", Alex read his scroll first. He walked around the circle to see who should get the coins, and made his decision. "I'm going to give my coins to DeStorm.", he said while giving DeStorm two of his coins. I could tell that Alex wants to form an alliance with him or something; considering the fact that DeStorm was the strong one in the group. After Alex gave his coins to him, the next person went after him. This turned out to be very long and very shady a bit. Because everyone was busy going back and fourth with their decisions and coin trades. Even when it was Colleen's turn, her scroll said to give three coins to a person she hates. She pointed out that it was DeStorm, and gave him a coin; because DeStorm decided to get two from Joey first, and then get the last one from Colleen. As everyone continued on, I saw that Joey was next, and he was not happy at all. "Give away half of your coins to whoever you choose.", he read his scroll. Everyone found this to be a big deal, because Joey had to trade his bag of coins with Gabbie when she was up. And all Joey had was 19 coins. As everyone waited for him to make his decision, he finally made it. "I'm going to give these coins to someone who hasn't trust me, since the moment that I got here. And it's something who I really care about, and someone I hurt a lot. And... It's Colleen.", Joey explained to us all. I smiled when he gave half of his coins to Colleen. She even smiled at him when he did that. As Joey came back to stand next to me, I rolled out my scroll to see what it said. "Give three coins to the person who's first in line.", I read. I knew for a fact that this was easy.

My Confession: I could see Alex smiling at me all cute-like, and it's so.... Adorable, actually!

"Alex, I owe you for that coin that you let me have. So, here you go.", I said while giving Alex three of my coins. He then thanked me and I went back to my spot; now I only have 17 coins. Ro was next after me, and her scroll said to take three coins from her best friend. She said Joey's name, and she was completely sorry for even saying that it was him. Now Joey was done to 7 coins; he's in some deep shit, at this point. Tana was the last one to read her scroll, and it said to take two coins from anyone. Gabbie gave her two coins, and DeStorm and Colleen read out the last two remaining scrolls. "Give the person you name, half of your coins.... OR! You can steal half of theirs.", DeStorm read the scroll. I looked over at Alex and saw him smiling at DeStorm. We were all starting to think about what was the decision going to be. After deciding, DeStorm went over to take Alex's coins. "I knew that he wasn't going to trade with him.", I said to the others. As DeStorm took the coins, surprisingly he gave them back to Alex and took his 7 coins. We were all surprised at what he just did. Maybe he didn't want Alex going into the challenge. After getting the coins, Colleen was the last one with the scroll. It said to take the person she names entire coins, and give it to someone she names. Obviously, she decided to take all of DeStorm's coins. She then walked right up to Joey, and gave him the coins. I smiled when he thanked her, and gave him a hug on the arm.

My Confession: That was so sweet of what Colleen did for Joey. Maybe now she can trust him. But right now, we're all realizing that Timothy and DeStorm need to go into the final challenge; since they were the only ones with the lowest amount of coins.

"I'll be back.", DeStorm told us. "I'll BE back.", Timothy told us. I wished them both good luck, as the two of them left with Mortimer. Once they were gone, we all decided to head back inside.

Back in the Lounge

"DeStorm is a bad influence on you. Used to be sweet, kind, and nice-", Joey told Alex. I was starting to get the feeling that Alex was starting to trust DeStorm. And to be honest, I don't trust him one bit. Speaking of DeStorm, he comes back inside, and not Timothy. Everyone is surprised at this point, and so am I. "I don't lose.", he told us while walking up to Alex. The two of them then smile and shake hands.

My Confession: Something tells me that DeStorm is trying to get Alex on his side, in order to make it out alive. Which is why, just like Colleen, I'm not trusting him.

"Allas, Garuda killed Tim. But I, in advantages, don't feel bad. I have the key.", DeStorm told us while taking the key out of his pocket. "Listen, I know we had some beef, but can you be a team player now that you're still alive?", Colleen asked him. DeStorm thought for a second, and Joey convinced him to at least agree with her statement. He then looked back at Colleen and gave her his answer. "Alright... I'm down. You go turn the key.", he said. Colleen then took the key from him and went to place it in the vault. Once she turned it, we all hear every single door opening, and there are men with a Chinese dragon that's breathing fire. "We're about to die.", Tana stated.

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