"They're not going to kill him," she told Macy, "They're not thrilled about it but they're not going to do it. This guy hurt the club, indirectly, so they're going to get their pound of flesh before turning him in."

"They are?"

"You look surprised," Gemma remarked.

"You weren't?"

"Your father loves you and he knows you want this guy in jail, Jax and Opie too. They convinced the others, didn't take much."

Macy's face lit up. "Thank you."

"Don't you thank me," Gemma chided. "You thank your father, Macy."

"I will, I will," she said enthusiastically. "I need to go, I want to look good for him."

"You really love him," Gemma said looking slightly surprised. "Don't you?"

"More than I have ever loved another man," Macy beamed.

"Even Opie?"

Macy nodded, not missing a beat, although her smile fell. "Even Opie."

"Good," Gemma smiled. "Go, I can sit with Shane while you're gone if you want?"

"Sure," Macy said as she hurried toward the door. "Thanks, Mom," she added, kissing Gemma's cheek.

On her way back to the hospital, Macy purposely drove by the lot. She slowed, peering up the driveway, but couldn't make anything out, not that she knew what she was looking for. Macy picked up speed, hurrying back, to find Gemma had kept her promise and stayed with Shane.

"Thanks," Macy said, slipping back into the room. "You can uh, you can go," she said timidly.

"I can't sit with my daughter?"

"You can but it's kind of weird," Macy admitted. "Since I left you and I haven't exactly been super close."

"We've never been super close," Gemma rolled her eyes. "You're a daddy's girl."

Macy smiled at that. "Guess so."

"I'm glad he's going to be okay," Gemma said, turning more serious.

"Me too," Macy said, her voice cracking. "I don't know what I would have done if he didn't make it."

"Now you don't have to find out," Gemma said. "Are you going to Trammel's funeral?"

Macy nodded. "Beach is going to go with me."

"Good," Gemma said, getting up from her chair. "He'll be awake soon, I'll give you some privacy."

"Thanks," Macy nodded. "I'll talk to you soon."

Gemma smiled and nodded, kissing both Macy and Shane before leaving the room. The last thing she wanted to do was witness or interrupt the emotional moment that was to come.

Macy dozed off as she waited, rather impatiently, for Shane is open his eyes. She asked the nurses to let her know when the medication was beginning to wear off so she could be awake. Thankfully, they did and it was just in time.

"Shane," Macy spoke softly as his eyes fluttered. "Baby it's me, it's Mace. You're in the hospital, you got...shot," she whimpered. "You're okay, don't freak, you're okay. I'm here."

All she heard in response were a few grunts and grumbles but it was better than the last time. His eyes opened, immediately shutting again from the bright lights around him until the nurse flicked the switch off.

"Mace?" He croaked out.

"Hey," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's me, I'm here."

"Are you okay?" He asked, his weak hands squeezing hers as best he could.

"Shit, Shane," she laughed, "I'm fine. Really. It's you we're all worried about."

Shane grumbled something and dozed off for a second before opening his eyes again. "Is Trammel okay?" He asked, suddenly remembering the shooting.

"I'm sorry," Macy whimpered. "Trammel died on the scene. They did everything they could, I'm so sorry."

Slamming his head against the bed, Shane growled while attempting to keep from crying.

"Get out," he growled at the nurse. "I need to talk to her alone."

The nurse skittered away and Shane looked at Macy. "I think Opie did this."

"What?" She inhaled sharply. "My dad said he didn't. My dad swears it was all an accident."

"He was there. I saw him." Shane grunted. "It was supposed to be Jax, I told Clay I didn't want Opie involved, not after everything."

"Fuck," Macy sank down into the visitor's chair. "Would he? Would he really?"

"He'd do anything to get you back, Mace. I saw it with my own goddamn eyes."

"Calm down," she said, "You're getting upset, Shane. Too upset."

Shane nodded, taking slow deep breaths. "Alright, I will, but you know it's true, Macy. I can't trust them anymore."

"Let's just get you home and then we'll talk about all this, okay?"

"Marry me," Shane said quickly. "I told you I was gonna make an honest woman out of you and I meant it. I came too damn close to dying to wait anymore. Marry me, Mace, please."

"Oh my god," she beamed, planting a kiss on his dry lips. "Of course I'll marry you!"

"I was waiting for a no," he laughed. "I never know with you."

"No way, I've wanted this for a long time."

"Me too," he admitted. "Hit that call button."

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm in fucking pain," he grumbled.

"I'll get her," Macy said hurriedly. "I love you, Shane."

"Love you Mace," he winced. "Now get me some fucking drugs. Please."

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