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October 5, 2014

I sat on my bed, reminiscing all the old times with my three guy best friends, girl best friend, and boyfriend. Oh god, I miss Zayn. I miss him so goddamn much, but he probably doesn't think about me anymore. In fact, he's probably forgotten about me.

Tears slowly trickled down my face. I quickly tried to calm myself down before I started sobbing, which was a usual thing for me. It has been for almost four years now.

That day, that last day I saw Zayn, I didn't know it would be the last. I gave him time, space to cool down. But he never came back. A month later, when he wasn't home, I went over to talk to his mother.

"Please believe me Trisha, I didn't do anything," I sobbed into her shoulder. She soothed me,

"Sh, I know, I know. You're too sweet to do something like that. He's just, got his condition..." I wiped my face.

"W-what condition? Bad temper? 'Cause this seems more than just a bad temper," I scoffed. She sighed and stroked my hair as I pulled away from her.

"Love, it's- it's a really tough position he's in."

"Just tell me! Maybe I could-"

"No, Alissa. There's no helping him. That's something only medicine can attempt at." I clutched her hand,

"Please tell me." I looked at her with pleading eyes. She looked at me and sighed once more.

"Alright. Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Of course not!" She let out a breath. Then shakily she said,

"He has borderline personality disorder."

Those three words changed everything that day. I finally understood everything, why he would freak out sometimes, why his moods would change so quickly.

It all made sense.

But it was too late to say anything.

Now I'm home, alone. My mother passed away two years ago from a heart condition. She left me in the house alone, but since I was 18, I could live by myself.

And that's exactly what I do, with the occasional visit from Cher and weekly visit from Trisha and her daughters, Zayn's sisters. They still love me; Doniyha and I have become quite close over the past four years actually.

Cher is all big and famous now too, though. But at least she didn't forget me, and we still hang out every once in a while.

Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall still come by sometimes as well, though Zayn never does. I'm not sure he even knows about my mother; the others do, though.

Speaking of Niall, I remembered his birthday was a couple weeks ago, and I forget to wish him happy birthday. I decided to give him a ring. It was 6 o' clock here, so probably around noon in America.

Oh, right. I have to take into consideration that they are on tour, and over in the States right now. I dialed Ni's number and put it on speaker, letting it ring. He picked up on the fourth ring.

"Ali?" he said in a hushed tone. "What's up?"

"Uh, hey Ni. Not much, miss you guys lots." I replied, hoping he disregards the crack in my voice. "But uh, I remembered your birthday was-"

"Niall, who ya talking to mate?" I froze. It was his voice. His beautiful, haunting voice that's left me in depression the past four years.

"Zayn! Er, no one. Just Andy. He wanted to wish us luck for the last concert," he lied not-so-smoothly. Zayn didn't pick up on it.

"Oh, cool. Can I say hey?"

"Nah, he don't like you," Niall joked. I waited for Zayn to freak out like I know he used to, but he never did. In fact, he just laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Tell him I said hey though." Niall chuckled.

"Andy, Zayn says hey." I licked my dry, chapped lips.

"Hey." I said weakly.

"He said hey, now leave me alone!" There was rustling on the otherside of the call and I waited a second. "Alright, it's just me now," he said quietly.

"How is he?" I asked breathlessly. "We haven't talked in, four years," I tucked a strand of fallen hair behind my ear as I felt tears coming.

"He's good. Great, really. He's um, engaged and-" I zoned out from the rest of what he said.

He's... engaged? Oh, I remember seeing something about that in the tabloids. Perrie Edwards, from Little Mix, engaged to Zayn Malik from One Direction. Headliners, everywhere. Girls were going crazy.

I just wanted to cry.

"That's great Ni, really. All I called to say was happy belated birthday; I know it was a couple weeks ago. Happy 21st! You can drink in the States now," I exclaimed halfheartedly. He softly laughed,

"Yeah, thanks."

"So um, I'll just go now. Tell Harry, Liam, and Louis I said hi. Um, bye."

"Bye Al-" I quickly hung up. I set my phone down on my bed and let out a shaky breath, determined not to cry.

I cried.




whoa. you guys met my vote goal again. you guys are awesome. thanks for 70+ votes and 570+ reads! hope you all are enjoying the book so far. yay long chapter :D comment! vote goal: 80+ votes ? [little risky i know, but what the hell.] btw, my description of him with bpd won't be 100% accurate, don't hate me. :) x.

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