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-Alissa's POV-

We just kissed. Harry put his lips on mine, moved them against mine, and I let him.

I even kissed him back.

Am I wrong for doing it? No, I don't think so. For a little while now I've started to like him. You know, in that way. It was justified. Besides, he basically asked permission- and I said go for it. But here's the thing.

I haven't kissed anyone in four, soon five, years. What I want to know is was I bad? Did the kiss just totally suck?

Why is Harry not saying anything?

His face still hovered just above my own; nose bumping mine, his lips brushing my lips. Our foreheads were pushed against each other as we breathed heavily. This kiss was slow, passionate. Nothing rushed or mistaken. It was enjoyable. Really enjoyable.

"H-Harry?" he looked me in the eyes and murmured a 'hm?' "Say something," I whispered softly. I closed my eyes but I could feel the grin on his face.

"That was something I've been wanting to do for a long time now." My breathing hitched at his words, but I looked up to see he was truly sincere. I searched his eyes for any other emotion, which was honestly pure happiness.

"Was it okay?" I timidly asked.

"It was more than okay, it was- it was perfect Ali. I just," he pulled bac and took a deep breath. "I gotta ask," he shook his head, not meeting my eyes. I knew what he was going to ask, and butterflies erupted in my stomach, not ceasing.

"Ask away."

"I just." He sighed. "You know I like you. Really, really like you- l-love you even. So much. And this, you just, i kind of," he huffed and rubbed his hands over his face. Then he turned to me and stared me straight in the eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't contain the smile on my face as I nodded. "Yes, of course Haz. I'd- I'd really love to be your girlfriend." I let out a sigh of relief because- phew- good sign that kiss wasn't bad. It was silent for a bit and I listened to the rain pound on the roof as Harry slowly pulled me into a hug, holding me close to him.

"You're warm," he murmured into my hair, arms wrapping around my waist again. I laughed as he nuzzled deeper into my hair, nose brushing my neck. His fingers slipped under my shirt again and I could feel the butter coldness of them.

"Ooh, and you're cold," I squeaked. "Are you dead or something? Jeez," we laughed and I pulled him into the living room, sitting down with him on the couch. "So, what now?" I asked, turning to face him.

"What do you mean, love?"

"Everyone, the boys, our friends, the whole world," I gestured around. "When will they find out, and how? How're they going to react and," I shook my head. "What happens now?" Harry stared at me with a sad smile on his face, then said,

"We just work through it. They've probably all guessed something was going on between us anyways. Next time they ask, we just make it official?" he asked more than stated. I nodded my head slightly and he lifted my chin up with a single finger. "It will be okay," he said softly.

"Who says I will though? I'm not used to all this fame business like you are. Olly- you remember him?- once said to me, "Don't say I'm okay when you really aren't." It was that day, too. He even write a song about it, told me and everything." I sighed. "I just- I don't know."

"It's up to you love," Harry wrapped an arm around my petite figure and I smiled.

"Thank you."


"So where are we going again?" I asked as Harry drove us down through London.

"We're going to one of Liam's places," I scoffed at this, "and we are going to have all the boys over. Then we'll tell them, just to get it out of the way." I sighed and stared out the window.

It's been almost five days, not even a week, since Harry and I 'got together.' I was still very wary about telling people, and nobody knew except for Cher; whom I called right after Harry went home, which she returned squeals to. Then she gave me a lecture about still liking Zayn or not and him being a rebound. I retorted with, "That was four years ago, shut up."

"Are you okay with this babe? We can turn around if you're not," he reasoned gently, putting a hand over mine as he drove. I shrugged.

"I'm okay with them finding out. It's just everyone else." He nodded in understanding, removing his hand to drive properly and staying silent the to rest of the car ride.

Finally we pulled up to Li's new house; standing before us in all it's splendor. And it was huge. We parked, walked up and knocked on the door. Sophia greeted us with hugs, leading us into the large game room where everyone was. Harry leaned in and whispered,

"Show time."




totally on the Halissa ship rn omG anyone else?? just me?? okay pfft. HAVE YOU ALL SEEN ZAYNS NEW HAIRCUT AHVKEIALMFGJENAJD NEXT COUPLE CHAPS ARE GONNA HAVE PICS TEEHEE. yeah. it's reeaalllyy hot. #zaynquitthelonghairsquad btw sry for the short chapter. oh& I have a HS audition tomorrow fReAKiNG ouT. (: x.

qotc: 1. so how we feelin' bout Halissa now? 2. who actually likes zayns haircut?

aotc: 1. jfkalciajakkdigjw 2. gllaigjeJGJAKkzjdjklaifiw

p.s. thank you for 6.9k reads! (lol who else sees it?) and 485+ votes! comment goal= 5+ vote goal= 490+ votes ily babeesss so much

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