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"Alissa!" a voice called to me. It was deep and melodic. I looked around but there was darkness everywhere. I couldn't even see myself. "Ali!" the same voice rang out. Out of the unending shadows appeared Zayn, and I nearly cried at the sight.

"Zayn, oh my god," I cried. "Where are-"

"It isn't your time, Alissa," he spoke robotically. He smiled at me, a small one.

"What do you mean? Zayn. What's going on?" I asked. I suddenly felt lightheaded, and the darkness started suffocating me.

"It's not your time to go Ali," he smiled still. The darkness fully suffocated me, and I clawed at my throat, gasping for breath but unable to breathe. Zayn started fading away, and awful ringing noise filling my ears.

"Zayn," I wheezed out, reaching for him. The last thing I saw was his strange smile before my pitch black surroundings swallowed me, the ringing noise growing by the second.


My eyes shot wide open and I sat upright at the speed of light. I gasped and my chest heaved, feeling as if I haven't breathed in ages. Or as if I'd died... I felt my stomach for the bullet wound but there was nothing there. No blood, no gash, no nothing. I was completely fine.

Something had to be wrong.

I still heard the ringing noise, and I couldn't find the source of it. My eyes were groggy and I had no recollection as to where I was or how I got there. I then looked over and saw an alarm clock, slamming my hand down on it so it stopped ringing.

I looked at my surroundings- it was my old room. I mean, the same room I stayed in when my mother passed away, but the old style of when I was about fifteen. I looked down to see my younger self, perplexed because just a few minutes ago I was over twenty years old.

"What the-?" I murmured to myself. I swung my legs over the side of my bed as I grabbed my phone, which was severely outdated now- actually, at this point it was new- and started looking through my old- present- contacts.

My fingers hovered above Olly's name before I realized what day it was and where I stood. I started thinking, I've been given a do-over. It was some long dream and I've been given a redo on my whole life. I didn't call Olly over. Didn't call Harry over. I knew not to, for Zayn was to come over later anyways, I knew.

I ran downstairs.

"Mum! Please answer, oh god." I ran like a madwoman around in my pajamas. "Mommy!" I shouted. She poked her head around from the kitchen looking confused.

"What's wrong hun? Are you alright? Was it another nightmare?" she asked me, wiping her hands off on her apron. My eyes teared up at the sight of her, but her words caught my interest.

"What? Yeah, how'd you know?" I went up to her and hugged her, missing the feeling of it so much. I closed my eyes and just breathed in her scent; a warm, cozy, baking scent. She sighed and rubbed my back.

"Just remember to tell the difference between what's real and what isn't, hun. Okay? This is real. Those awful nightmares, where you die? They aren't real. It's the disease baby, keep that in mind. Remember to stay aware," she spoke with tears in her eyes. She looked at me with a sad smile and stroked my hair. "Remember what's really reality." I nodded, all knowledge of me and my schizophrenia shit coming back to me.

"This is real," I repeated, holding onto her hand which was on my cheek. I breathed in the smell of cookies she was baking, her homemade ones. Her 'secret' recipe ones. The ones I never got to learn the recipe of. I made a mental note to ask. Also to remind myself not to let her out of the house the day she dies- or maybe she won't, because it was just a dream.

A silent tear rolled down my cheek, for I knew how to go about this life. I had the will and potential to change it. And I was going to. If it's actually what I believed it to be. I hugged my mother again and sighed into her embrace.

"This is real."





hope you enjoyed! i will post details later on the sequel, but for now just enjoy this ending to the first book, Steal My Girl. c:

btw DRAG ME DOWN MUCH ?? !! YES GOOD STUFF RIGHT THERE doesn't sound the same and it's totally different idek but yES GOOD SONG

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