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cover by Niallator_13 guys i really love this one omg


Harry and I have dated for over a month now, and things have gone absolutley crazy. Directioners are freaking out and going berserk; everyone's upset. You might as well say the world is ending.

And it's all because of me.

Zayn has been so off lately, and now he's so caught up planning for the big Zerrie wedding that he's never around anymore. He even missed the boys first concert. They had to cancel, and he made this big announcement that he was too busy with Perrie and couldn't do anything with the band. Modest! was upset, saying he violated their contract; to which he responded "Fuck the contract," and walked out.

Little Mix is taking a big hit for this. So is One Direction, and it's just awful. And I just know it's all my fault. Though no one is particularly blaming me.

I think they're all too scared, actually.

Maybe they don't want to lose me as a friend, maybe they just aren't sure if they should blame me. I blame me, and I've told Harry it's all my fault but he won't buy it.

And so life goes on. Yet at the same time, it really doesn't. Harry has some security with eyes on me at all times because of the Tweet I saw. I told him it was most definitely my father, and how he left my mother and I when I was younger.

"I'm scared," I whispered to him. He shushed me and pulled me into his warm embrace, kissing the top of my head.

"It's alright Ali. He won't hurt you; I won't let him."

"But what if he finds me? He could hurt you! He could kidnap me, or- or-" I collapsed into frightened tears while he just rubbed my back.

"Don't worry love," he murmured into my ear. "Nobody is going to steal my girl from me."

But still I was so terrified of the possibility of him finding me and hurting me. I mean who wouldn't be scared? I jumped as there was a knock at my door.

"Yes?" I poked my head out to see Roger standing there.

"Miss Warren-"

"Please, Roger. Call me Alissa." He smiled faintly.

"Alissa. Well, it seems you have a visitor," he gestured behind him. I was slighty confused because Harry normally texts me before he comes over. The man walking up was wearing a leather jacket, a black beanie and dark sunglasses- whom I recognized as Zayn; which makes sense as to why Roger would let him in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I made my way back into my living room, only assuming he would follow.

"I wanted to apologize, but I know I'm not the best at doing that," he said slowly and I scoffed.

"You think? If you'd just apologized four and a half years ago then we wouldn't be in this mess now," I stared at him angrily and he took his glasses off, rubbing his face.

"I know," was all he said. I rolled my eyes and turned to watch some television. "I'm sorry."


"For everything. From overreacting those years ago to kissing you twice. It's been tough to let go, and I still haven't." I looked up at him.

"Let go of what?"

"My love for you," he sagged into the love seat across from my spot on the couch. I shifted awkwardly and he scratched his head. "I'm sorry, but it's true. I've fallen head over heels for you and I'm still falling." My mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for air.

"No, Zayn. No. You can't do this! You throw away your career for a wedding with a girl you don't even love- or not that much, at least- and then you come here to tell me you love me still?" I shook my head. "You cannot keep doing this, Z."

"But I can't stop!" he snapped frustratedly. "I love you and it won't go away, no matter how hard I try. Please, say you don't love me, tell you hate me, toss me on your door step and ignore me. Please, just so I can move on," he begged, getting more and more emotional; eventually crying.

I observed him in his broken state with no expression before finally cracking. But I didn't say the words he longed to hear. I couldn't bare to see him like this, but I couldn't just let him leave. I didn't do what he wanted me to do.

"Sorry, Zayn. I wish I could, but I can't. Because I still love you too."




i've no excuses for such a late update. ily guys though. if you're tired of waiting for steal my girl, check out my book who is this? [Liam Payne] bc i update that one fairly regularly. comment goal: 5+ vote goal: 815+ votes. please? thanks for 11.36k reads, ilysm (: x.

qotc: are you guys anxious for the end

aotc: yes omg

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