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I woke up on my couch still fully dressed from the day before and with a giant headache. Did I really cry that much? Eh, I probably did.

I'm pretty emotional.

After a few minutes I attempted to actually get up. Succeeding, I took a quick five minute shower in the downstairs bathroom and got dressed in new clean clothes. After I finished my make-up, I happened to check the time- 9:36 am- and mumbled,

"Shit, I'm gonna be late." I threw a cardigan on over the black sheer blouse I was wearing, matching my light blue skinnies, grabbed my name tag and purse and hopped into my car. Usually it was a hit or miss with my car; either it'll work like it's new, or not even start.

Today was a miss, to say the least. I inserted my key in the ignition and turned it, but the more my car revved, the more I knew it just wasn't going to work.

"Dammit!" I cursed, slamming a hand on the steering wheel. I jumped out the drivers seat and popped the hood, only to have smoke billow out into my face.

"Need some help?" a deep voice called from right. Looking over, I saw Zayn with pajama pants and no shirt on. I took a moment to glance over his overly toned chest, bulging abs and pectorals, with many tattoos littering his skin. "Ali?" His voice snapped me out of my trance and I glared.

"No. I'm perfectly fine." Then I checked my phone to see I had less than half an hour to get to work. "Ugh," I groaned slipping to the ground, not caring Zayn was watching me.

"C'mon Al, just let me-"

"Don't call me Al. Or Ali. Or Lissa, or Liss. It's Alissa," I snapped, rubbing my temples in frustration. Zayn bit his lip and chewed on it, somehow making a bad habit look really hot. Running a hand through his newly long hair, he went inside, I thought for leaving me alone. But no, he came back out with shoes on, a shirt on- sadly- and keys in hand.

"Please, Alissa. Let me take you to work. Don't want to be late, do you?" I scowled at him, but huffed and got up grabbing my things.

"Fine. I work at the boutique next to the ice cream shop we used to go to," I grumbled and walked by him, into the car which he oh so nicely held the door open for me. He sat down in the drivers seat to my right and started the car, the drive agonizingly slow.

"So. How's life been?" he asked, trying to start a conversation. I really just felt like crying, and thought if I said anything I'd burst into tears. So I just shrugged and stayed silent. He shifted in his seat and I could see him glance at me in my peripheral vision.

"Um. I wanted to ask you something," he started. I spared him a look that said go on and he continued. "Last night, you said you were um. Behind on the bills. For the house. Are you okay, Alissa? Financially I mean," he asked me slowly. I clenched my purse and forced out,

"That's really none of your business Zayn." He sighed.

"Hear me out, please." I was silent and rigid. "Alright. Well. I thought, if you are uh, actually having trouble with the financial stuff," my eyes widened as I saw where this was going, "I could maybe lend you some money and-"

"Oh hell no!" he jumped at my outburst, swerving the car a little. "I'm not going to be some charity case of yours just because you feel bad about ignoring me for four years, or some shit excuse like that. So thanks, but no thanks," I snapped.

"Listen to me Ali, I-"

"It's Alissa to you! And what's there to hear? 'Oh, you're not some charity case. We're friends, aren't we?' Huh? Do you think we're friends? Cause when you overreacted that day four and a half years ago, you lost that title. We are not friends. And you do not need to help me. I'm fine." I paused. "Stop the car."

"What? We're almost there, just let-"

"No. Stop the car, and let me out." He shook his head.

"No, I'm not gonna let you walk to-"

"No? No? Zayn Jaavad Malik, let me out of this damn expensive car right now or so help me-"

"Alright, alright." I knew using his middle name would do the trick. He always hated it. Zayn pulled over and stopped the car, putting it in park. "You sure?"

"Damn straight," I instantly replied unbuckling myself. Just as I was opening the door and stepping out, Zayn grabbed my hand.

"Look, Alissa. I'm sorry. What I offered wasn't a charity case; it's sincerely from me out of concern. Concern for your well being." I scoffed,

"Where was that concern two years ago when my mother died, leaving me alone in a house with bills to pay and food to buy? Where was that concern when I had no one because you got famous, Cher got famous, hell Olly got famous. I was left in the dust. So tell me, where was your concern then?" I spat at him. His face briefly registered as shock before going slack.

I faintly remembered my promise to Niall about giving him a chance, but I'll start that tomorrow I guess. I ripped my wrist from his grasp and slammed the door to his black BMW. I started down the road into the plaza where the boutique I worked at was.

And I didn't look back.




whoa so much drama. you didn't really think I'd have Ali let him back in so quickly, did you? another event for another chapter. oh, you guys don't know what you're in for. hu-wink ;) yay long chapter though! and thank you all so much for 1.22k reads and 130+ votes. comment? vote goal: 138+ (specific I know) :) x.

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