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It's been three days since the boys' last concert, and to say I was nervous is an understatement. I was well past nervous considering Zayn came home yesterday, and I went out of my way to avoid seeing him at all costs. It was stupid, I know. But I've been on edge ever since he texted me.

I didn't text back. What would I even say? Besides, how'd he get my number anyways? I know he had to change his number when he became all famous, and I changed my number after my mom passed away. So it had to be one of the boys; I made a mental note to ask who it was.

Speaking of phones, mine just went off, startling me as I was cooking chicken on the stove. I turned down the burner to let it summer and left to find my phone. It was a text from Niall.

hey, love. the boys& I r coming over, b there in a few.

I mentally cringed at his texting and typed back,

Just you four? Or him too ?

I hesitantly pressed send, and went back to season my chicken when the reply came a few minutes later.

just us 4. we r here open up!!

I sighed and turned off the burner completely, setting it all on five plates with a little left over. I put the plates on the counter and waited a second. Then there was a knock on the door,

"Open up, Alissa!" Niall pounded again. I left the chain locked but opened the door a crack and said,

"Excuse me?" He huffed.

"Please open the door Alissa?" I smiled and closed the door, unlocking it. Then I reopened it and held my arms wide, waiting for the hugs. And they came.

Do you know what it feels like to be tackled by four grown men? It kind of hurts. But it's really nice, especially when they're your best friends and you haven't seen them for months.

"Boys! I missed you guys so much," I spoke with the slight accent I've acquired over the years. I still sound pretty American, but it's obvious I've lived in England for a while. "You know, I love you guys and all, but I can't breathe," I wheezed out. They were suffocating me!

"Sorry, love," Louis chirped and bounded away into my kitchen. "Ooh, chicken!" He squealed. That caused Niall and Harry to run off, and Liam to casually walk back with me.

"Wow, you set it out for us?" He exclaimed when he saw the plates set up on the counter. I nodded,

"I know you guys too well," we all laughed and headed for the living room, settling down on the couch and carpet.

"Don't you dare get any chicken on my carpet Harry Styles," I warned him and his eyes widened, carefully eating his food. His actions caused me to smile and shake my head, taking a bite of chicken. "I really missed you guys."

"Aw, we missed you too babe," Harry said.

"Have you talked to Zayn yet?" Liam asked quietly. I put down my chicken and shook my head no. "He got your number from me," investigation over, "and said he texted you. Also, yesterday he said he came over here, but you weren't home?" I giggled nervously,

"I was sort of trying to avoid him," I blushed and shrugged sheepishly. Niall shook his head,

"He's changed Ali. I promise you, he's been taking medicine lately, and it's working really well. I think you should-" a knock at the door interrupted him.

"Um, I'll go get that," I announced standing up.

"Were you expecting anyone else?" Louis asked.

"I don't think so..." I warily opened the door and saw a godly human being standing with his back to me. He heard the door creak and whipped around, hair swaying beside his head. It was none other than Zayn Malik himself.

"Z-zayn," I gasped, taking in his sight. He grew up nicely; puberty did him well. I was suddenly self-conscious of the clothes I was wearing, the way my hair was, and the fact that I had no make up on.

"Alissa," he sent me a shy smile and looked behind me. "I saw Niall's car and uh, thought I'd come over and say hey." I gaped.


"So uh, hey."


An awkward silence.

"Who is it babe?" Harry asked coming up behind me. Zayn's eyes widened a little bit, but recovered. "Oh, Zayn! Hey mate," he clapped him on the back.

"Um. Come in, Zayn." I awkwardly invited. I stepped aside and he entered. "Welcome to my humble abode."

"Wow. Everything looks so... different." He looked around. "Haven't been here for years," he ran a hand through his long hair, making me bite my lip. "Where's your mum?" he asked.

I looked at the boys and sighed. They gave me a look saying he really doesn't know. I motioned for him to sit on the couch; this is going to be a while.

"Would you like some chicken?"




wow guys! thank you so much for 880+ reads and 100+ votes!! it makes me soo happy you all like this book! by the way, I've entered this and my Forgetting Zayn Malik book in the Watty's. so please vote for my books? comment! vote goal: 115+ votes. thank you so much :) x.

Steal My Girl ➸ z.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora