Chapter 14

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Who knew from the darkness someone was eavesdropping on the whole scene.

Brooke got into a cab she had stopped when she began running away from Max. Although, she was scared she also felt guilt. She knew she should've listened to Max and maybe she wouldn't have found out but then again she was going to find out one way and possibly that way was going to be a whole lot worse.

She began to second guess on throwing the party due to the fact that it was supposed to be Bentley and her throwing it for Alexa and Max. But since she found out about the boys she didn't want her friends in any danger.

The taxi driver drops her off and Brooke pays for the ride before entering her building. All these thoughts were running through her head: how was she going to tell the girls? How was she going to just tell them their boyfriends are in a gang?

She sighed and wiped the tears from her face as she approached the door. Suddenly, Mira's door opens and Ray walks out.

"I'll call you when I get to the house, Princess," he said before kissing her forehead and turning to walk down the hall.

He looks at Brooke who had a scared look on her face. Ray already knew Brooke knew about them. His fear was her telling Mira right then and there. He shot her a look before heading towards the elevator. Brooke's eyes followed Ray's every footstep, every movement until he was gone.

"Hey Brooke, you okay?" Mira asked poking her head out from the doorframe. Brooke cleared her throat and nodded before unlocking her door.

"Yeah, are you-are you okay?" Brooke stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm good, sweetie. I'll be there in a few. Leave the door open okay?"

"Alright," Brooke said before entering the house and closing the door behind her.

Mia and Alexa sat on the couch together and began giggling about something on Alexa's phone. Alexa soon looks up and notices Brooke.

"Brookie" Alexa yelled before embracing her in a hug. Brooke hugged her back but tighter than ever. Alexa soon pulled away and sat back down.

"Hey, Brooke. How was your day?" Mia asked her.

"It was good and interesting"

Her whole body became uneased as she felt nothing but her hands shake. Her nerves were getting the best of her until Mira walked in.

"Why was it interesting?" Mia asked looking down at her phone.

"Well I have something to tell y'all" She put her head down but before she could speak Alexa 'awed' in excitement.

"What?" The girls asked her before huddling over her phone. It was a text from Bentley.



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