7 - Gaydream, Gaydream

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"You can pay me back in another way."

Yoongi sat at his work desk, distracted by Hoseok's words from yesterday. No matter how hard he tried to rid the thought from his mind, he couldn't help but hear him talk, over and over again.

"You can pay me back in another way."

Just what did he mean by those words?

Yoongi did his best to focus on his work at hand. Something not even Hoseok could replace.


He played the beat over in the computer app, tapping his desk to each sound and nodding his head with the rhythm. Pausing every so often to think of a new set of notes and attempting to forget about Hoseok.

Just then, Yoongi heard a knock on his bedroom door. Taehyung walked in with freshly washed bedsheets, and Yoongi perked up.

"Fuckin' finally! What took so long for Jungkook to clean 'em?"

"Well," Taehyung set the sheets down on Yoongi's bed, thinking carefully on what to say next. "He got... distracted."

Changing the subject, he pointed at the new phone on Yoongi's desk. "Hey, where'd you get that?"

Now it was Yoongi's turn to stumble on his words. How could he explain the strange wonder boy that appeared in his life so suddenly? And so strangely?

"Just bought it," he plainly stated.

But Taehyung could see right through him.

"Yoongi, how the hell did you get that?"

"I told you. I bought it." He continued tapping his desk, following the verses written on scratch paper.

Taehyung let out an exaggerated sigh, still very unconvinced. "That's bullshit. What, did Jimin pay you to blow his back out this time or something?"

Yoongi stopped tapping, completely frozen. And Taehyung noticed.

"Dude, Jimin? Again? Are you serious?"

"No!" Yoongi shouted with annoyance. "I didn't do anything with Jimin!"

"Wait, so it was someone else?" Taehyung's mind raced for whoever else could have possibly been with Yoongi.


"No!" Yoongi shouted again. He turned to face Taehyung this time, staring at him with a serious glare. "No one paid me to do anything with them. I got the phone myself."

He turned back around to focus on his work, once again trying to block out Hoseok, and now Jimin, from his mind.

But still. Taehyung didn't believe him for a second. "Bitch, you're broke."

Yoongi scoffed and continued writing his notes, careful to hide his falling expression.

"No offense, but the mixtape isn't cutting it." Taehyung walked over to a shelf full of albums, specifically picking out one with the word Gloss printed across it. Yoongi looked at the brunette, eyes beginning to grow tired of anger. Taehyung took notice, but continued anyway.

"Look Yoongi," he said holding the mixtape. "This thing is a masterpiece. But the world won't ever know it if you don't put your energy into something else right now."

"What do you mean, Tae?" Yoongi questioned defensively.

"Like, getting a real job or something. I hate coming here and seeing you work every hour of every day with nothing coming out of it. I know that music is your passion, but-"

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