4 - Could You Turn Off Your Cellphone

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"Hoseok?" Yoongi questioned aloud. "2-am-BigMac-from-McDonald's Hoseok?"

He read the notification again, making sure his eyes weren't playing any tricks on him.

Jung Hoseok has sent you a message.

Yoongi rustled his platinum blond locks in confusion. By chance, he had gotten in trouble at work and stayed for the night shift. By chance, a beautiful random stranger walked in. By chance, that random stranger turned out to be someone Yoongi felt attracted to. And by chance, that stranger found him on Grindr.

"Well damn."

Yoongi exhaled, trying to keep calm. He tapped the notification, holding his breath, and began reading.

hopeseok218: hey burger boy

Yoongi couldn't help but be surprised. As his eyes widened in shock, his fingers lost hold on the already shattered device.


Little pieces of glass glittered in the dark on the hardwood floor. He had dropped his phone... again.

"Agh..." Yoongi winced looking at his phone facing down. It was the only one he could afford. If the screen fell out, a flip phone was in his future.

And how would be able to use Grindr on a flip phone?

Reaching down and being cautious of particle-sized glass shards, he picked up his phone and slowly turned it over.

"Ah!" he heavily sighed out in relief. "Thank Namjoon! I mean... thank God!"

The screen was still in tact. Of course it was still shattered, but it still worked.

Except for one thing.

"Where the hell is the home button?"

He looked around, finally finding it near the sofa. The little glass home button in a condition far from being put back into place.

But it was fine. The phone still worked.

Yoongi finally responded to Hoseok who he hoped was asleep. He both did and did not want a 5:30 am conversation after all that had happened today. He was bound to say something stupid. But he couldn't help typing away on his broken screen.

He decided to go the teasingly playful route without giving too much away.

pr0d.yoongi: may I take your order?

Yoongi tried to close out of the app he so needed yet so despised.

Except, he couldn't. There was no home button.

He was stuck on the Grindr app.

Yoongi cursed under his breath, growing more frustrated than he already was.

"This is how the world is gonna treat me, huh?" Yoongi let out. "By basically shoving the gay in my face?"

The bedroom door creaked open, making Yoongi jump, almost dropping his phone again.

"Psst," a groggy Taehyung whispered across the room. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Oh, shut up," Yoongi said while throwing a pillow at his roommate. Yoongi would've normally been polite in this situation, but he was still mad about two certain people doing a certain something in his bed. One of those certain someones being Taehyung.


"Yoongs, I'm sorry about-"

Another pillow hit the sleepy Taehyung in his face. "I said shut up!" Yoongi yelled.

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