Chapter 1

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Skylar Adebanjo

Waking up to the sounds of babies crying, toddlers tantrums and children's screaming. It's not pleasant. I sat up from the large piece of cloth I call 'bed' then looked to my right to find my little brother still sound asleep. This guy sleeps too much. How can he even sleep through all this ruckus? This place be sounding like dalston market.

I got up on my feet and went over to the kitchen to make my brother and I breakfast. On my way to the kitchen which was quite a walk from where we sleep, I looked around at the children constantly running around as the adults chased them with wooden spoons, belts and wires. Same old, same old. After dodging everyone I made it into the kitchen.

While pouring the milk and cereal into our bowls I decided to sing to myself quietly. Although singing is not permitted on these premises, I was in need of a little Tupac.

"I see no changes, I wake up in the morning and I ask myself, is life worth living or should I blast myself?" I hummed the rest of the verse because I couldn't remember it. "That's just the way it is... Things will never be the same... That's just the way it is... Oh yeah." By now I had finished with our breakfast and started making my way back with two bowls of crunchy nut cereal in my hands. After trying my best to dodge getting bumped into again and spilling my food, I made my way back to our 'bed'. I sat down in my spot and placed the bowls on the floor beside us as I began to wake up Samuel.

"Oii, Samuel wake up, I got us breakfast" I whispered in his ear, shaking his shoulder. He groaned and sat up, as soon as he noticed the bowls he grabbed one and started eating.

"For why are you waking me up so early?" He grunted as he forcefully took a bite from bowl.

"It's only 8am, I'm surprised you can even sleep through all this noise." He shrugged his shoulders and continued eating. I mirrored his actions.

"Wait..." He suddenly stopped eating and looked at me with a confused facial expression.

"What..." I mocked his tone of voice.

"Are we even allowed to get our own breakfast?" He slyly whispered leaning towards me.

"Nope" I simply answered continuing to eat.

"Then how did you get this?" He lifted up his bowl.

"It's Monday morning on a summers day. Most of the kids are running around trying to avoid going to school, it was easy getting past all the adults"

"Oh, speaking of school, shouldn't we be getting ready?"

"Nah, we're leaving today" I grinned slightly, taking the last bite and placing the bowl onto the floor.

"We're finally getting adopted?!" He guessed cheerfully. He guessed wrong. Kinda. I wish I could say that. We've been here for so many years. Not like we haven't been wanted but we've never been wanted as a duo. It would be exceedingly hard to live without my brother. He's my rock.

"Nope, you're getting adopted" I looked down at my lap upset. It's for the good. I want Samuel to do well in life, he's a bright boy. Many people wanted to adopt him but refused because he didn't want to leave me and I always agreed. But we're older now, he needs to get out to explore the world, even if it is without me. I'm too old to get adopted now anyway...

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere without you. I can't and I won't." He paused for a bit. "Then where are you going?" He frowned.

"Running away. Think I'm gonna stay in this place while you're out there enjoying life?" I chuckled. "Nah, I'm going. I don't need to go school for the last couple weeks, I've done my exams. There's not really a need. I've applied for different colleges and a couple university's, although it's less likely I would get into them, there's actually a possibility." He nodded. "I want you to continue education and live with your new family, I will come back for you as soon as I can. We will be together again. I promise. I won't leave you forever but I will need to leave you eventually. Take care of yourself and do me proud." A tear fell down my cheek. I looked up at Samuel, I noticed how he was fighting back his tears but it wasn't working.

"I'm going to miss you Sky" he cried out as he hugged me tight with tears running down his face.

"I'm gonna miss you too Sammy boy."

Hope you enjoyed just the beginning. This is just the first short chapter. The chapters will get longer but just starting off and that init.

Don't forget to comment, vote and message. I'd love to know your opinions throughout the book. Thanks x


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